Layering: not rocket science

This is a direct quote of you saying you supported what I proposed

This is just you supporting layering?

I don’t expect you to find me a post at this point. How about the fact you said it’s “too late” with Blizzard? This is a paid product, not charity. Do you really believe the company knows better than the customer? We should always be speaking up about unacceptable issues.


You wanted me to “prove” where I was ok with your suggestion of static layers… I did.

Now you’re changing the goal posts. If you want me to post things about no changes, look in the Guild bank threads, the achievement threads, the transmog threads, and all the other non-vanilla Retail changes.

We agree on far more than we disagree, but you’re so hung up on Layering you can’t see that.

And since you’re still the “This is my first ever thread” Paladin, you don’t really get to claim you’re a champion of No Changes.

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“The customer is always right” is generally only trotted out by people who know they’re wrong.


Anyway, far past my tolerance level for stupid people demanding things of me so… later!

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Seems legit when you know you’re wrong, insult and leave.

I already checked your post history and was disappointed, pass.

I don’t want any changes. J Allen Brack talked about our favorite flavor being Vanilla, and we are getting Vanilla with chocolate swirl and sprinkles, and maybe worse down the road with players like you brigading the community. Imagine if you ordered a pizza with just cheese, but the restaurant put anchovies and honey and whatever else you didn’t want or ask for. “Oh well! The business knows best! Guess I will eat it anyway!”

? Lol


Not pay and just leave…

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Wow, you are merciful aren’t you. I make them remake it the right way. Some people probably just imagine it’s exactly how they imagined it, because they don’t have the gall to call em out on it.


Your stats say you’re either new or alt brigading yourself. Which is it? Yea. I don’t believe you…

White knighting much?

How can I be brigading a place by supporting the foundation? Yikers.

HAHA, I wonder how I missed that all of these years.

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Another example of an emotional response triggered by defeat. It really must be a primal instinct, a sort of self preservation, must win . . .

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Nope. Just calling people on their bs. Same thing I’ve been here doing on this avatar since the forum opened.

Low rep. Low post count on that avatar. Yet you speak as if you’ve been here. So obviously you use other avatar/s. Aka. Alt brigading.
Nice attempt at deflection.

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Once layering stops blizz will have to open a few more servers to handle the excess population. These servers, economy and all would not be effected at all by layering. For now we can just enjoy the game. The worst experienced with layering during the stress test was fighting a scorpid in durotar, with my lvl 8 hunter, and it suddenly disappeared. Then two appeared right next to me. I almost died. It was a scary experience

You are misusing the word brigading, Brigading requires malicious intent.

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I signed the legacy server petition years back, which is why we have this game in the first place. Did you? These new forums are awful btw, so not understanding the flex there with your 4,000 posts. Weird.

U ok?

I will play on a pvp server and I won’t be avoiding pvp by layer hopping, I think most true Pvp players won’t. So your argument is moot, go play on a pve server please.

Just make sure player trade doesn’t trigger layering CD, otherwise it will be a joke

World pvp is inconsequential… I guess FUN in wow is inconsequential.