Layering: not rocket science

I don’t understand why so many of you people are so bent out of shape about layering.
If you actually do a little reading on it you’ll realize it wont be around long enough to matter. If you have that big of an issue with it, the solution is simple. Just don’t play. or wait for layer to be removed like Blizz and Ion have already said.

No layering past phase one, Means Stop all your senseless whining and crying about:

  1. Layering in PVP - layering will be removed from the game BEFORE the honor system is implemented. So no easy Honor farming.
  2. Layering and World bosses- Huh… would you look at that. Again, layering will be removed BEFORE world bosses of any kind are implemented
  3. Layer hopping - There’s already reports from the beta that there is a cool down on changing layers. So it will be damn near impossible to abuse layer hopping in any big way (assuming the CD is 15-20+ minutes)
  4. Layering and the economy - one phase is the max layering will be around for. With the Layer hopping CD, it will be mighty hard to farm a single nod multiple times. Even if some abuse happens, the over all affect phase one will have on the economy as a whole for the next 5 phases, seems negligible…

With that being said. I’m sure theres lots of you anti layering ppl who would love to sit in ques all day, then complain that blizz has a garbage launch, or servers crashing all over the place from to many people. Both of those other options, are bad PR for Blizzard. They want a smooth launch, We want a smooth launch, and Layering is the only option on the table that gives everyone the ability to play on launch.

It’s not hard to wrap your head around. Shoot, if my tiny monkey brain can do it I’m sure you can too…

I for one. Want to play Classic the day it launches…
With how layering really wont affect the real reasons we’re all playing wow classic, Why continue to piss and moan about it. Go change your crusty underware you salty ones.

And que the trolls… :stuck_out_tongue:


The World PVP aspect would be justified… IF… layers were smaller than 3k. As it is, 3k gives you a real competition count instead of overpopulating it.


I mean sure. but again. it’s phase 2 where all the REAL world PVP will be happening. That will be the most engaging Wpvp.

ppl who would complain about layering ruining Wpvp in phase one, just silly. anyone going Wpvp in phase one is doing it mainly for fun, and no reward. So whats layering matter in that sense? :sunny:

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The people who get bent out of shape about layering don’t have time read about it because they’re too busy being bent out of shape.


For $150 you saved you can buy as new gaming mouse, keyboard or monitor you always wanted. I’m probably just going to play to spend my blizz balance, but I’m not forking over anymore money to play with layering.

Brand new monitor or layered classic for a year, hmm, seems like the monitor will last longer than one year, and it is physical and can use it for many years to come. There are plenty of quality f2p games out there to play as well, and they will look all the sweeter on my new monitor. Def going for a new monitor if layering is still in when my balance runs out.


Yeah and then have no security in the progress you make on a Pserver which will always be under threat of getting shut down by Blizz. who’s going to be far more serious about protecting their IP moving forward.

I am willing to pay a sub fee to have that security in my time investment that is Classic.


Amazing. You still are incapable of understanding.

People will exploit the layering system heavily to avoid pvp they find inconvenient while leveling.

This is ONE major problem with it.


For three weeks out of 8 months.


You’ll be joining groups to switch layers and avoid those “griefer” horde well into phase two.

Edited for clarity


Yeah, if you don’t like it, go play on a Private Server. I’m sick of being abused by you because you can’t understand reality.


There is so much wrong with this post it’s hard to know where to begin.


Aside from the obvious cool down from switching layers, woe is you. You will not get to camp lower level players for a few weeks. QQ.

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Haha, yeah alliance always has to group up vs hordes, but it still don’t save em non.

I mean group to change layers

Yeah, what a ripoff, but thanks blizz, I get a new monitor instead of paying em.


I don’t camp. More importantly, people will phase out of an iron forge raid because they want to work the auction house in peace. What don’t you get about this?

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This cooldown will also prevent people from playing together, genius.


Pretty simple: it wasn’t in vanilla, and it ruins the game.


Ican see their general chat now, someone pls help, invite me to anotther layer, theres horde here.


Then we getr to kill npc’s, great fun blizz, ty.