Layering: not rocket science

LOL, seriously, that is addressed in the thread, go read it.

And this is the exact sort of post that you probably think is clever, but actually has a low signal to noise ratio.

Such thorough analogies aren’t even oft as well articulated as that one. However, you think it is a metaphor, so you probably wouldn’t appreciate it anyways.

I did, some time ago.

The fact that they said “We don’t care about that change” for cans instead of glass is the analogy to Layering.

The thread was also wrong about them immediately replacing New Coke with Classic Coke. The two were sold side by side for many years until New Coke died off from low sales 20 years later. That may be where Retail goes, time will tell.

But the change from Sugar to High Fructose Corn Syrup, the increase in Caffeine, and all the other tiny changes that went on in the 30 years since go to show that consumers are ok with changes as long as the overall feel is the same.

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According to you . . .

The company reintroduced [Coke’s original formula] within three months, rebranded, resulting in a significant sales boost. This led to speculation New Coke formula had been a marketing ploy to stimulate sales of original Coca-Cola, which the company has denied.

Mikkelson, Barbara (March 13, 2007). [“Knew Coke / New Coke Origin”] . Retrieved March 16, 2010.

Do you ever get tired of lying?

New Coke was discontinued in 2002. Do you ever get tired of being wrong?

How could you possibly see an honest claim about that? The game isn’t even out yet. We don’t even have the possibility of playing, let alone choosing not to because of layering.

The queues go away rather quickly, as they do with every launch. Anyone not willing to deal with queues on a launch day or just try again later was never really that interested in the first place.

Also, they could just come back later, since it’s a monthly sub, not daily. It’s not like if they can’t play on launch day, they never get to play.

Seriously, anyone who looks at queue on launch day and says “I’m never playing this game again” will not be the type of person Classic would’ve appealed to in the first place. Vanilla is not for the impatient and entitled.

I sincerely doubt that. The game was most successful before all this sharding and layering crap came about.

Granted, there were numerous other changes that led to the game’s downfall, so I don’t want to give it all the credit, but do you not find it the least bit damaging to your argument that WoW was most popular when queues were a reality of the game, especially during launch days?

Yet you continue to reply to every single one of them dozens of times. I’ve yet to see an honest “I’m done” post from you.

Correct, and the point I was trying to make is that most of them didn’t run to the forums to voice their completes. I’d be willing to wager most of them didn’t even quit over it; they just continue to grit their teeth while playing the game, wishing the awful feature was removed or at least improved.

It’s not that most people don’t care about these things; it’s that most people aren’t vocal about their issues.

To further clarify, they want them to all be able to play at the same time. I don’t believe that is necessary. A good ride at an amusement park doesn’t require every guest to be able to ride at once, and it’s not necessarily better just because it has that ability.

Layering is totally not necessary for this.

I’m getting really sick of this argument.

I don’t agree with Blizzard or their goals. Telling me that those are Blizzard’s goals is not justification itself for those goals.

There are other options that do not change the game or affect gameplay.

For example, sub realms (call them layers if you want, I don’t care) designed to be merged by Phase 2. You choose which sub-realm you want to play on. These sub-realms cannot interact with one another. All sub-realms of a realm share name reservations, to prevent names being lost during the merge. The merge is done as quickly as possible to avoid large deviations in the economies of each sub-realm causing issues once they’re merged.

Achieves all of the same goals that layering supposedly does without changing the game or affecting gameplay.

Sort of like with layering. Or do you believe that the vast majority don’t dislike layering?

Actually, most of these threads have a fairly even mix if not a slight majority who recognize the need for it. Its the same small handful of people repeating the same complaints and posting the same video over and over.

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Where does it say anything in the thread about New Coke being immediately discontinued?

Heh, my misread as well. They said that New Coke replaced the original formula. I read that as the other way around on the return.

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Gotcha, I knew you made an edit in the time I was replying.

Hmm. Too bad I’m too lazy to go through all these threads and tally unique users for each side.

I wonder if anyone has any credible data supporting either side.

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New coke vs old coke is a great example on why current WoW is a failed, sad product.

Layering is anti Vanilla/Classic.

For the minority asking for it, I have good news! The WoW you want is ready right now. It is called: Battle for Azeroth.


Spurious argument.

99% of Classic is exactly Vanilla. And most of the 1% will go away after a few weeks.

BfA is about 10% Vanilla.

So you signed the legacy server petition?

Yes? Why is that relevant?

And layering will be removed, so they’ll be in luck.

The point is that most people want to play the game when they want to play. And Blizzard wants them to be able to. You don’t agree? So what? Blizzard isn’t making you a personalized game. What you want is in direct opposition to what Blizzard wants. You lost this battle at go and are just screaming into the abyss at this point.

And you are actually the only person I’ve come across whose plan for a successful launch is to not let people who want to play the game, play. If Blizzard’s metrics make them think the Classic stable population will be around 500k, but 1.5 million try to play at launch, then you may be talking about nearly a million people sitting in queues. :eyes:

I have doubts with your mentality.

The OG players who asked for Vanilla want it pure and untouched. This community has been brigaded to make Classic “their experience” which is selfish and nothing else.


Are you claiming this is not possible without layering or sharding? You are certainly insinuating it.

OBJECTION your honor, leading the witness.

It leads to A loaded question.

No-one experienced layering in Vanilla. What are you on about? This has nothing to do with “your experience” vs “my experience”. It’s about launch capacity and long term population control. Two things that Vanilla failed miserably at and Blizzard specifically said they would fix.