Layering: not rocket science

You actually expect people to read?


Layering is back ground and it’s not changing a single mechanic of the game you love. It’s simply allowing more players onto a server at the high volume launch. It doesn’t change HOW you play the game… Unless you’re a min/ maxer.

When removed, it takes nothing you love from the game. it does not change the fundimental game you want to experience for the next few years. It only affects your personal view of how you enjoy something that isn’t exactly how you want it to be. I’m sure life has already taught you somewhere along the line, that you don’t always get what YOU want. Sometimes the needs of the many outweigh the wants of a few.

In this case. it’s layering. People who just wana play and enjoy classic, dont care much about layering. Min/maxers, or people worried about min/maxers seem to be the only ones crying about this.

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That’s objectively false. You realize it actually affects gameplay, right? People can appear or disappear right in front of you. You can invite or be invited to another layer. It allows more people to be farming materials at the same time, which affects the economy.

Yes, it does.

If that’s all it was, they’d just raise the server cap. It does a lot more than that.

What does min/maxing have to do with layering?

Uh, duh? I have no love for layering. I’m not concerned about it being removed; I’m concerned about it being implemented at all.

Yes, it does.

It has nothing to do with how I want it to be. It has everything to do with how it was in vanilla.

There are a million and one changes I’d make to the game if I wanted it to be exactly how I wanted, but I won’t advocate for ANY of those changes, because that defeats the point of Classic.

The many do not want layering.

If you want layering, you don’t want vanilla.

You’re half right, though. It’s not that most people don’t care; it’s that most people don’t say anything.

Most people are going to be silent about issues they have. They won’t come to the forums and complain about layering; they’ll just begrudgingly accept it while wishing it gone. Maybe most people won’t quit over it. True. That doesn’t mean most people don’t care, though.

Layering has absolutely nothing to do with min/maxing. You have no idea what you’re even talking about, do you?

Min/maxing is making sacrifices in one aspect of your character for greater benefits in a desired other aspect, such as minimizing mitigation to maximize damage per second.

That is TOTALLY unrelated to layering.


You’re planning on getting a raid of 40 max level horde players together in three weeks to raid IF?

… I mean… I just don’t have a response for that level of unrealistic expectation. At least it made sense when you were complaining about pvping with other leveling players.

As for playing together, what are you doing so fast that a 15 minute cd is too long for you between groups? Questing? Pick a group and stick with it, 15 minutes is not that long and I would rather wait 15 minutes than wait five hours (hyperbole, I’m sure you’re familiar with it since you keep using it) with a group of four other people in the starting zone trying to get a tag on the right type of kobold to complete a quest so I can level the place.


Can’t see the forest for the trees.

Some of you haven’t been there when blizzard lies to our faces. I can’t remember specific times BUT I can remember not to trust anything they say

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This will happen all the time, even on an unlayered realm. People logging in or out, getting disconnected, accepting a BG queue, being lock summoned, etc. I’m not sure why those things aren’t problems, but if it happens because someone accepts an invite to group with players on another layer it is suddenly pearl-clutching time.

Yes, you can interact with all the people on your realm, even those on another layer. But you don’t HAVE to accept invites from another layer. If you’re in a guild, you’ll likely being grouping with guildies and not pugging. Grouping up for random quests while leveling will most likely be with people on your own layer. I fail to see where the game-breaking problem is.

It also increases the demand for those materials at a 1:1 ratio, so it will not produce excess mats and have no detrimental impact on the economy.

The game world was not designed to accomodate 9k players concurrently, especially not early on when everyone is leveling, so this would break the game far more than anything you’re raging about.

That cow already left the barn. We’re not getting Vanilla. We’re getting a close recreation of the original game using the 1.12 data set on the modern client. There will be some differences, but it will still be the game we love.


Fair point, but they didn’t appear in the same spot on a different layer, because layers were not a thing.

People logging in is obviously different than someone standing in one spot and phasing into existence in that same spot in a different copy of that same area.

Well, to go down your list…

  • People logging in or out - They have to actually go to that spot in your world and log off first, and log in again in that exact spot. They can’t log out, move around, then log in at a different spot, which is akin to what layering allows.
  • Getting disconnected - Same as above.
  • Accepting a BG queue - You are being pulled into a different zone, not the same zone. From my memory, leaving the BG would then put you back at the battlemaster, too, so it was one-way.
  • Being summoned by a warlock - A spell literally designed to summon people to your spot. Not at all the same as people standing in the same spot as you but being totally invisible, but suddenly appearing, or suddenly disappearing into the same spot on a different layer.

Because the things you listed do not double, triple, quadruple, and so on, the world and its resources.

Realms would be the closest thing to that, but the realms cannot interact with each other in the way the different layers can.

What a stupid argument. That doesn’t mean others won’t, and that it won’t have an obvious impact on the gameplay.

That argument is about as dumb as saying it’s okay to have NPCs that give full best in slot because you don’t have to use them.

Which does not mean others won’t also be phasing in and out of existence because of layering. If someone, in my guild or otherwise, is standing in the same spot as me, I’d like to be able to see them.


Yet the supply is ALWAYS higher than the demand in an MMO. Why do you think prices of goods go down over time, not up?

Consumption and production are not 1:1, especially in an MMO.

Exactly, which was my point. Layering is not just about allowing more players onto a server concurrently. There is more to its purpose than that.

Which is the complaint we’re making. What part of that was unclear?

No one is complaining about the game version they’re using, because ultimately it doesn’t impact the game at all outside of back-end stuff that the end-user never really experiences.

A close recreation on the modern client would NOT include layering.

Yes, with some changes we hate. Such as layering.

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That’s an argument from incredulity, yet you fail to present any counter points or refute anything. You can always tell when people are feeling beat, because they pull irrational logic out in an attempt to aid their argument. It’s probably some primal emotional response being triggered that makes them really want to win an argument at any costs. Thou shalt not lose!

Shift is great and tearing your arguments to shreds.


Serious question: if someone suddenly appears nearby, how do you even know whether that’s where they logged out last night and are simply logging in there now or whether they were standing in that spot 2 seconds ago on another layer and got invited to yours? Seriously, how would I even know which reason caused that person to appear there? And why should it matter to me which one it is?

Why do you care what the other people on your realm are doing? Why do you think what you want is more important than what they want? Play your game and maybe stop worrying so much about what everyone else is doing.

I know I’ll be playing, grouping with guild and immersed in my leveling experience. I won’t give a rat’s tail if some people are grouping across layers. It will literally not impact me or my enjoyment of the game, and I think I’ll probably be in the silent majority that are too busy enjoying the game to fuss about the layering, and then it will be gone. /shrug

I don’t think layering will ruin your enjoyment of the game. I think your rigid outlook and being so concerned with what everyone else is doing will ruin your enjoyment of the game.


This is amusing since I wrote you a huge, thoughtful post on another layering thread that included all those things. But I doubt you even bothered to read it. You certainly didn’t respond to it. This post of yours is nothing but noise. You don’t respond to substantive posts. You don’t post substance.

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That’s the point, layering is screwing up the game in a way that we won’t really be able to play it as it was originally meant to be played. It’s a watered down version.

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xD, if you have a valid point that refutes a point I made then I would address that point. I don’t have the tenacity like you guys do to respond to every sentence, so I pick the points that seem significant. If I do ignore a significant point and really do cherry pick, then I would hope someone pointed out which ones.

Overriding Point: Beta closes tomorrow. Layering is in the game.

Deal with it, or log in a few weeks after launch.


Or play a different game and spend the money on something worth your time. Or play a pserver, or f2p games that offer the highest quality at an affordable price! (FREE)

Yep. You are free to do all of those things. Whining about layering at this point is… pointless. It is what it is.

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Yep, because all protestors are just whiners, nice hasty generalization, what’s next?

Complaining about something that can’t be changed, and complaints won’t be listened to… is whining.

Yeah, tell that to the protesters around the world, because they have never changed anything have they?

Protesters complaints get listened to. Blizzard isn’t a government.