Layering isn't enough; Starting Bottleneck Classic Vs Vanilla

Please show me a video or data with 500 people in a starting zone. You won’t find one because it didn’t exist. You will see videos with 5, 10, 15, 20, 50 maybe more people on a new server launch.

If you can show me a video that has as many players as the launch will have in a starting zone, I will retract my post.

Yet, those who desire the convenieence that sharding or layering provides are quick to tell those who desire a truer Classic experience to “wait til it’s disabled”.

Why is it ok for those that have been, fgor over a decade, requesting a truer Classic experience to wait, but totally unreasonable for those favoring convenience and instant (figure of speech, not literally instant) gratification to wait?


Show me any video showing initial RPPVP server (Maelstrom/Emerald Dream) launch. You can’t, because there were few videos taken back then.


You do realize the stress test was all done on one realm. At launch there will be a sufficient amount of realms to even out the population so layering might not even need to be used at all.


Please read above. You are missing the point, this won’t be a vanilla experience anyhow. Please show me a video on a true vanilla launch that has 1000, or even 500 people in a starting zone other than the private server Nostalrius, which was a disaster at launch

2 mins in, Ohhgree haptix is pretty much a purists who wants as little changes as possible, and he acknowledges something needs to be done too.

The launch won’t be the same as Vanilla launch, because people know what they’re getting. But that just means your day 1 experiences are irrelevant.

Classic launch will be much more like late Vanilla server launches, such as the RPPVP launches I discuss.

Then let them leave. No group tagging. Leave that nonsense in BFA. You aren’t ever going to get classic wow players to agree to those retail mechanics. We would rather spend 3 hours in a starting zone than to allow them to bring open shared tagging to classic.

If someone stops by classic day one and leave because of the chaos, so be it.


And you are being forced at gunpoint to start playing on day 1? You are somehow prevented under threat of bodily injury from waiting until the initial rush is over to start playing?

Answer the question which I asked.

Why do the those with that retail, convenience driven, instant (figure of speech, not literally instant) gratification mindset feel it is perfectly reasonable to tell people desiring a truer Classic experience to wait to start playing, but it is totally unreasonable that those convenience driven players wait?

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No, but with bottleneck you are forced at gunpoint to sit one one spawn for 5 mins and not even be playing a game. You are forced to be playing a starting zone that was never intended to hold that many people, please watch the vanilla dev videos. You are forced at gunpoint to spend an entire day in a starting zone that was designed to take 2-3 hours to finish.

Also simply projecting your principles onto me doesn’t work. I don’t even have BFA. Most of my play time comes on a different account in classic through WOTL. So you can believe whatever you wish. The fact that anyone oppossed to you is a retail player is a logical fallacy.

Most people replying haven’t even watched the videos, so I will simply not address those complaints any further. If you are going to comment, you should at least take the time to fully invest and read the material before you form your opinion.

So, wait until the initial rush has passed to start playing so you have less competition and less time waiting.

exatly Irisse. Your views on classic launch are the mandela effect. There were never that many people in a starting zone. Classic WoW Is infinitely more well known than Vanilla WoW ever was. There are going to be many many more players at this launch than Vanilla Launch had, which was 89 servers with between what, 250-350k total.

Hence the crisis, a population bottleneck that never existed before. Hence, you won’t be getting a true vanilla experience (IN The STARTING ZONE) regardless unless they open 200-400 servers. Therefore, you will never be receiving a pure No changes experience regardless. So let’s not repeat Nostalrius and force everyone to sit at a spawn point for 5 minutes the entire first day.

Again, this is the starting zone, levels 1-5, If you have fun sitting at a spawn point for 5 mins, you will have fun going at normal rates too.

There isn’t enough evidence to support launch not being that bad without something limiting the number of people in starting zones.

That’s not the same experience as Vanilla though.


Why do you think the initial rush is going to be a short period of time? The initial rush could last for weeks or months.

Waiting for people to stop logging in isn’t a solution.

Please stop saying “at gunpoint” because that’s ridiculous hyperbole. I do agree with the spirit of what you’ve said and I experienced the same tedious “game play”.


Dealing with the population that exists on your server without spiriting away the competition to some invisible other shard sounds pretty vanilla to me. The vanilla experience meant leveling with other people, instead of alone. It is a Massively Multiplayer game after all. Launch is going to be crowded because its going to be popular. That’s a good thing, even if it means you have a less smooth leveling experience in northshire abbey.


forced at gunpoint was not my term, it was a term I was using because someone else said that changing the starting zone to adapt to a bottleneck was forcing them at gunpoint. read the above reply please Purj :slight_smile:

Yes that is a good point. There is no reasons to tell people to wait days to login just so they don’t have to sit at a spawn point for 5 minutes.

We have no clue how crowded this will be, but it looks to be explosive. There needs to be insurance in place to prevent this kind of disasterous bottleneck before the launch because by then it’s too late. If the servers aren’t as crowded as we thought, then there’s no issue and layering is fine.

I doubt there is any kind of physical connect between the stress test server and the forums. More likely, all the stressed out stress test people flooded the forum with posts and overloaded it.

A lot of people will look for “High” Population and go there because they fear “dead servers”. So, in essence, with a wide open launch, yes – this situation will repeat itself. They aren’t launching 100 servers.

You didn’t read the quote.

There’s always been a fairly close logical tie somewhere between the login servers and the forums. Wasn’t referring to the stress test server.

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You still repeated it.

It might even be longer than a few days it could be months or longer until the wave of new characters stop being made in such large numbers.

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