Layering isn't enough; Starting Bottleneck Classic Vs Vanilla

Maybe this has already been said in this thread but what if they just did dynamic spawning in the starting zones for the first phase.

We’d be lucky if they launched 20 per region.

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They really should consider this IN ADDITION to layering, but unfortunately I don’t think that will ever happen; IIRC, they said they explicitly created layering as an alternative to dynamic spawns.

Totally agreed. Something definitely must be done. Spending all day just trying to tag 1 boar in the starting zone is not why I fell in love with Vanilla.

Well written OP and couldn’t agree more!!! I hope Blizz recalls 2005 when they had to keep releasing more and more servers almost every month (sometimes twice a month) in order to keep up with the growing player base.

I would prefer them over estimate server count then underestimate this time around, imo.

I haven’t had much issues. You ask in general or /s for people on whatever quest, next thing you know, you have a 5 man group and tags come quickly enough. Patience pays off.


edit 5/30 Stress Test 2 has proved this point correct. Tested a different starting zone this time, undead. Even a group of 5 of us running around had to sit at zombies for over 40 minutes to try and tag the mobs. It was brutal, and this was only the first quest. We then had to spend equal amounts of time tagging other mobs, and god forbid the gathering quests…this was with layering intact. We need more than 3 layers in the starting zones.

Even streamers were on streams saying how bad it was to level, Asmongold say it was “impossible” and “cancer”. Esfand was trying to figure out a way to level without using quests.

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That’s also what i experienced on both stress tests so far. Unless you’re declining peoples invites, or completely disregard the option to ask others for an invite, you’re going to be well on your way.
Thanks to the busy places, especially the kobold mine, there also was plenty of time to get to know each other. Already made friends and it was so effortless, too :slightly_smiling_face:

Funnily enough, those are the things vanilla gently pushes you to do based on it’s game design. Adapt or struggle :smirk:


Did you play during the test though? which is most likely to simulate an actual server launch. Or did you play afterwords like this morning. This morning it was still packed, but at least doable. During the launch it’s unplayable.

Oh yeah, i was there for the server launch simulation at the start and throughout the stress test, both times. Also, after all the initial testing i kept on playing for another couple of hours, until eventually i succumbed to sleep cause it was 7am in germany at that point :sleeping:

I also played again today during the day, where i also saw everything being calmer. Either way i made my way through surprisingly smooth, and the only place that was quite slow was the kobold cave in terms of questing progress. However i still enjoyed it, because the socialization overshadowed the gameplay struggle completely for me :slightly_smiling_face: Fun times!

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This is a good point. We won’t have many servers, and this stress test probably is close to a real server launch. THere were only a number of people invited to the stress Test. There will be infinitely more on launch. And these stress tests were crazy. Many of us happened to be watching some streams and the streamers were talking about how impossible it was to tag a mob and gave up trying.

This swarm was not fun to play because you killed a mob every few minutes. Starting zones are not that big of a deal if you change some things to give players a chance to quest more freely here. But it is pretty detrimental to not be able to kill anything and be stuck there for an entire day.

I don’t know how I feel about this issue tbh. On the one hand I agree that overcrowded starting zones makes for bad gameplay but on the other hand, as somebody who was in zero rush, I kind of liked it anyways. I can see how somebody who is in any kind of rush or impatient would absolutely hate it though.

Oki Dokie :slight_smile:

What about the normal folks neither in a super rush but also wanting to quest at a normal rhythm? As is, it’s pretty bad out there Spy. You are one amongst 200-1000, and ya simply can’t play the game as intended.

I have no idea why they aren’t doing dynamic respawns like was in the original version. The stress test this week, someone was timing respawns near ironforge and the mobs would respawn ever 25 minutes and they would all respawn at the same time. I was literally on that quest for 2 hours trying to get enough to kill and there was only about 10-15 people in the area but they were all trying to get enough mobs for that quest.

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oh no, you might need to make a group and have some patience. It’s the end of the world.


The answer is dynamic respawns. I played or the launch of the two TBC servers that came out not long ago. Nightbane and Netherwing. The answer is dynamic spawns.

Based just on those servers, the problem isnt going to go away after the first few zones. It was packed in every zone up to about 50 in the first few weeks. They 100% need to do something. Even if its layering and dynamic spawns.

Having dynamic spawns that popped sometimes near instantly pretty much solved the issue. I just dont see any other solution aside from having 100s of servers to try and split the population way way down.

It is fine as it is.

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… which is the whole reason the player base grew in Vanilla, and is shrinking now. Blizzard keeps ignoring this, dooming Classic to being just another expansion with small differences.


Agreed. So with that said, population will be less thinly spread and the volume per server will be higher (generally), so something to mitigate the massive influx, with limited in-game resources, is needed.

/moooooooooooo (agree)