Layering is exactly the same as sharding - lets do some math

Layering is worse than sharding, because it’s continent wide. 1 zone with too many palayers? All zones in the continent get a new layer. Even the zones with only 2-3 players in them


I’m in the beta. If you want to pull the “god exists unless you can prove he doesn’t” card, knock yourself out. I don’t think you will gain much support with that tactic though.

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Those were bugs. That have been fixed.

Also devs on the beta were moving players between layers to test them. That isn’t how layering will work.

Context is everything.


We know that Server 3 had far too many layers. And we told Blizzard that.

Almost all (maybe all) of the footage in that video is from beta. Also telling blizzard something is wrong doesn’t seem to increase the chance of it getting fixed

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The 9 layer Chest video is from Server 3 during the stress test. Where they were testing multiple variants of layering to see how it felt. Probably for retail purposes.

Blizzard already said there won’t be more than a few layers on any given server, otherwise it won’t collapse to 3k. So you’re misusing non-representative footage to make a false claim.

9 layer chest video? I haven’t seen that one myself, sounds interesting

I hope you’re right on no more than a few layers, but from how things played out on beta I don’t have high hopes. Blizzard has a bad habit of saying 1 thing then doing another

The first clip in your list of fixed problems and nonsense, is from a longer video where he goes on during the stress test to find other layers with a chest. I couldn’t be bothered watching the rest since your argument was already broken.

my list of fixed problems and nonsense?

You must have me confused with someone else, I was just saying that vid someone linked has nothing to do with the stress test. Neither does that gurubashi chip, stress was capped at 15 so that’s pretty clear

That isn’t completely true, You can get randomly phased when new layers are being created and combined as well as when you get kicked off to let people grouping up on your layer use their OP phasing skill. So I guess a person “want” to phase over-rides my “want” to stay on the layer I’m on?

Escaping pvp, resource exploits, phasing randomly (overcrowding), and phasing at will, are features of layering they aren’t bugs and they are going to happen as long as layering is in the game.

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And because static layers act as essentially separate servers, which means at some point established social structures have to suddenly combine. Terrible idea. That’s why layering is dynamic, because merging servers is bad.

No actually they aren’t. They are bugs.

Also blizzard literally put a cd on how quickly you can switch layers to prevent the resource cheesing. Its around every 30 minutes.

You will not phase randomly. What you see in the beta are devs moving players manually between layers for testing purposes. You don’t get moved to another layer if the one you are on is full. The game creates a new layer for players logging in separate from yours. You aren’t moved.

While true layer creation and destruction is supposed to be fairly rare.

My guess is that the layers are somewhat flexible and when you hit 9001 players it doesnt just shove that 1 person onto there own new layer.

More likely is that if the ideal layer size is 3k
Then when you are at like 7k its still using 2 layers and trying to keep them at like 3500, but when you get to 8k it might open a new layer and try and pull people onto it so you have 2600 for each layer. Then when you drop below like 5k it could collapse them back to 2.

But again this is all hypothetical and things that would need to be tested to see how a new layer is spun up and collapsed. Easiest way to do that is to force test this on a Beta with mini layers so you have less to test at full scale with the stress tests.

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It’s 20 seconds on beta currently. Even 1 layer change is destructive anyway, when things like gurubashi chest exist

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What people don’t realize is that layering and sharding are exactly the same under the covers. The whole idea of blizzard creating a new technology just for classic is nothing but smoke up our asses. If it’s minimal work and effort they’ll do it.


They changed that recently than. I watching some streamers and they couldn’t switch layers for nearly 30 minute.

exactly, and thank you.

people in this thread are arguing over trivial nonsense like “locked shards”…

the reality is, blizzard doesn’t want to deal with server merges, and they don’t have an elegant way to solve that problem. so we have sharding. Thats what this is.

arguing about locked shards and all this over nonsense is like arguing over shades of the same color.

they haven’t gotten rid of phasing or sharding, and they have no intention to as far as I can see.

you should google “how many servers will wow classic have” and then read what Ion has actually said in more recent interviews.

[quote=“Ðavyjones-tichondrius, post:17, topic:220522”]
Before anyone bashes Locked layers they do not prevent you from playing with your friends people… it is a CHOICE at Character Creation… just like a server…
[/quote] that’s really not the issue at all.

I think this is exactly the problem. It’s counter intuitive to a server developing its own little ‘subculture’ if you may… and that’s the sort of ‘world’ feeling people are after (in so many words).

you REALLY miss the point that the whole ‘server’ argument is about. you should go sit by yourself and try to understand the problem before coming in here to be obnoxious.


Phase 1 will last 14 weeks tops. There is not much of a permanent culture that will evolve out of individual layers in that time frame. If there IS and the individual layers are large enough they could split the layers and Hogger 1 stays Hogger while Hogger 2 is now called Kobald Workers…

That is the major benefit of locked layers. And they far outweigh the culture merging argument that is the grandest example of a “what if” argument ever.

great opinion stated as a fact, I guess you are privy to inside information huh;

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