Layering - Good or Bad?

Then I will cancel my account.

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They said the phase timing hasnt been decided completely yet and is subject to reevaluation.

well you have player persistence. the people you joined that layer with will always be on that layer with you unless they get invited to a different layer but inevitably, everyone will end up on the same server from that server’s layers. so eventually stormrage goes from stormrage1, stormrage2, stormrage3, to just stormrage.

No. I will not watch the streams. This is not game of streaming.


Okay so I’m just going to ask just so I am really clear on this. How does this mean it’s not going to be in the later levels then for phase one? I can’t watch any of these so I genuinely do not know.

for as long as it is live, things like that will be camped by groups that are rotating shards, layers, crzs, or whatever.

we will see how long it lasts, but i dont think this is good news.
best case scenario was probably sharding in starter zones only for a month.

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I am not suggesting it is a good thing but saying you will never get that item… I mean come on… you can surely find something else to farm for the limited time it is up.

Twitch is apparently the new facebook we are supposed to follow for our game news. I am not buying in.

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It’s 2019, not 2004. Information travels fast, just because people get their information differently than you doesn’t mean you need to throw up in arms trying to sound like a rebel, lol.

Depends on how quick you level. It’s a double edged sword in that regard in my opinion.

No one has confirmed if the layers involve later levels? Is 1-60 layered?

Ehma, we will see how it plays out.
i got tired of being on a dead realm with no AH, but also didnt benefit from a dead open world.

No AH, but no rares either because the crz was manipulated to death by roving groups of farmers from who knows where.

you get it.

Is there confirmation that you will ALWAYS be on that layer? Example John makes a toon and gets put in layer 7 with William and Laura then logs off a few hours later. When he comes back 2 days later and logs back in will he be guaranteed to be on layer 7 again with Laura and William. and when layer 7 starts to merge with another layer that it will merge EVERYONE from layer 7 and not just part of them

This is my big concern.

So whats stopping everyone zerging 1 server and creating a dozen layers and just waiting it out till phase 2…

Imagine the auction house with a dozen layers.

1 hour just to list all linen cloth lol

A few things layer is much bigger than sharding. The phasing in out of shards to avoid PvP etc is easier as the shard is smaller so the chance of the group being in another shard is much higher. Layer is a whole server with a much higher cap meaning just because you group doesn’t mean youll end up in another layer because said group could already be in your layer.

As far as resources if you want to try to layer hop you would have to make sure someone didn’t already take the node etc in the layer your going into. Lets say copper node is 3 minute respawn. If you hop into a layer that someone already took the node your still waiting on the respawn timer for that layer. Layering mimics everything sharding doesn’t always hence why you can go into another shard and get that rare or node.

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I have to go to work but I suggest waiting till Blizz puts some of this in writing. The forums will be a hive of disinformation in the meantime and its probably best to wait for certainty. See you cats in 8 hours.

oh good question. i got that impression but i honestly dont know. it just says something like that. player persistence. it seems the most vanilla like way to do it, if they are gonna do it. just keep them persistently on the layer they joined the game the first time on.

They’re still waiting to see what the fallout is before taking an official stance since they know we always shoot the messenger.


Layering is basically like the suggestion I made in this thread for a megaserver:

except that it’s random, not transparent and doesn’t give you the control I suggested.

Sooooooooooo vanilla launch had sharding? No? Then this shouldn’t either. Maybe I’ll check it out AFTER they get rid of this, maybe, if I haven’t lost interest completely at that point because god knows how long it’ll be before they remove this non-classic unwanted feature.