Layering - Good or Bad?

The real question is why can’t they just bluepost it besides the obvious using streamers to spin it and using them as humanoid shields


Abuse it will be.

How you say? RL friends or ppl on you blizzard battle net account.

Player 1: hey what phase you on ?

Player 2: layer 3

Player1: I am getting camped or I am done farming invite please.

Now player 1 has phased out of his/her layer.



I think the lesser evil will be sharding the first 2 zones and be done with it, at least for the rest of the game i don’t have to be annoyed by it. Layering just prolongs this bs.


So the layering is turned off in phase one, and then it will merge. I guess I’m failing to see how it’s going to be turned off for the later levels. I understand it will be turned off after phase one but how long is phase one? But it also says after initial release surge… If it’s like a month then I would be cool with it.

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Player 1 - farms up all the Lotus on his layer.
contacts friend
Player 1 - what layer you on?
Player 2 - layer 3.
Player 1- invite me.


the players are persistent unless you get invited to a different layer on that server. they wont just suddenly phase unless they do so by being invited to a different layer. this will allow pvpers to cheat if they have someone who can invite them to a different layer on demand (like 2 accounts) but at least they wont dematerialize suddenly and without notice or without consent on their part. there’s no phasing.

and its temporary.

Only in starter zones…now that is being sidestepped. Just leaves the aftertaste of 'You think you do but you don’t"

I was never an alarmist over the slippery slope, but I am not feeling a ton of confidence today, especially combined with the sub-for-beta news.


remember when people said i should chill and that sharding would be low level zone only?
and a few weeks only?
wow have the goal posts moved.


they can fix the pvp situation by not allowing them to go to new layer while dueling or flagged. but the ore/herbs thing is not resolvable. at least its temporary. i think it sounds similar to what i was suggesting actually

So whats the contingency plan when it goes from 6 layers to 3 layers with 3k per layer?

“For your benefit and the wellbeing of the game, we are going to keep layering for the forseeable future”


I realize it’s temporary but it’s literally the same thing my dude lol. You will still see people disappear you will still be locked out of seeing other players. Yes, it might not be that bad if they have these layers (shards) at really high numbers, but lets not spray freshener on a turd and call it a flower.

Ah, well, guess I’m not going to be playing WOW Classic for several months (whenever Phase 2 begins) instead of just waiting out the starting zone sharding.

Also … promises, promises, why do I not believe?

So sharding at the vanilla world server level instead of sharding at the zone level. About the ONLY positive I see with that is the fluidity of traveling between zones is preserved, where zone sharding could have us moving between zones and seeing people and mobs appear and disappear

The negatives are pretty obvious, even if they’re trying to gloss over the damage to developing any sense of community when you never know which group of 3000 people you’ll be part of. (Log out and in, crash and relog, internet hiccup and relog, every time you might show up around a different group.)


glad its acceptable to you. it isn’t to me at all. it’s a broken promise.


i remember suggesting something like this solution. have like stormrage1, stormrage2, till each is full. but dont phase them and keep it persistent. if family or friends end up on different layer, you can invite them to yours or vice-a-versa. it solves a ton of problems and creates 2 : resource farming on each layer and pvp cheating, one of which is solved by just not allowing them to switch layers on invite while flagged or dueling

I am going to keep an open mind…

No sharding at the very least, after Phase 1.

that rare that drops the stun trinket … you can now say good-bye to ever getting that important item.

and as others have stated, we moved from starter zone to open world to phase 1 …

it doesnt bode well.

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That’s called sharding. Just a more long term version of it.

If I have a system in classic that allows you to change your outfit even if you aren’t wearing that gear, but tweak it slightly so maybe you don’t have to pay for it and call it ‘Outfitter’, it’s still xmog.

Let’s not get too crazy, it IS going to be temporary. Yes, it’s for probably longer than we wanted and it does sound terrible but let’s not jump the gun here.

My take:

  1. It sounds better than sharding, which is terrible
  2. I dislike the devs interacting with streamers and would prefer them to interact directly with the community.
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