Layering - Good or Bad?

So instead of sharding, Blizzard is implementing something called “Layering.”

Rather than having everyone disappearing around you and sharding based on zone changes, the entire continent will essentially be a layer (or shard), and there will be multiple layers per realm at any given time. This allows the realm to hold more than the old 3,000 limit, but could potentially allow for 6,000, 9,000+ realm pops. If you’re on a layer you will see all of those 3,000 players at all times and they won’t phase away from you, but when you logout and log back in there’s a solid chance you won’t even be assigned that previous layer so you’ll see 3,000 new players.

Unfortunately the layers are assigned randomly upon log-in, and if you want to play on the same layer as a friend or someone, you need to invite them to your party and they will phase into your layer.

One streamer stated they asked a dev:

“What if my guild on Alliance wants to raid the opposing Horde guild on their realm as they’re on their way to BRS?”

The dev replied with:

“Unfortunately there is a chance that you will not see them because they will be on a different layer than you.”

They promised that layering will be 100% gone sometime before Phase 2 begins, but what is your take on this? I understand sharding/layering is probably essential to at least have the game in a playable state upon release but it also seems like it’s already pissing a lot of people off.


Source? 10chars


Gunna need a hard source on this one.


Been keeping up to date with all of the content creators/streamers discussing it and this is the same thing they’ve all said so far.

Source it then. Clip it on twitch or something I haven’t heard any of this.

Unfortunately he talked about it for awhile so I can’t clip it but go to StaysafeTV and look at his vod and click through it until you see his screen showing him on a white gryffon at Stormwind gates, he discusses it all around that time.

What a load of BS.

Blizzard fed us a line about how it was going to be used only in early zone to alleviate congestion, and now we get this crap.

Whoever is in charge of wow classic is completely out of touch with what made the game great.


If this is true this is going to be awful. Honestly truly awful.

You all complained about sharding in starting areas but now we are looking at a whole server shard.


So city raids won’t be realm wide events.

I for one look forward to logging in an out until I get the right layer where the SS/TM pvp is happening, and will just relog when being corpse camped until I get the gankerless layer.

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Better than sharding and it is going away after the first phase


Sharding is small groups of players vanishing around you or appearing out of no where.

Layering keeps thousands of players in the same layer.

How will this be awful compared to sharding?


Updated source:

Go to 48:30 in this VOD and listen from there, he explains it all and then later in the vod references back to it when he got a host from another streamer and he goes over it again.


It’s literally going to be the exact same thing. You can transition between ‘layers’. It’s literally just sharding just more long term.


Well at least this is cut and dry so we know it’s going to be “megashards” for the first phase…could be worse could be better.

But at least we know now.
Maybe if the tourists leave really quick they only need these megashards for a week or two and not for the entire phase.

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So you are saying the ability to transition is the “awful” part?

Oh, and how long is phase 1? Is that long term?

no, it’s pretty much worse.
instead of “low level zones” and “for a few weeks”.
its literally every zone. and until no longer needed.


The answer is whats good for server population. I will suffer through Layering sharding or whatever you want to call it in order to have a strong population.

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I’m saying it’s the exact same thing. You said you saw people disappear around you right? Where do you think they go when they disappear dude lol, they transition.

You can call it whatever you want, it is literally sharding.


Guess what?

None of them have any idea as of yet.

It’s just in the starting zones or the entire world? If it’s the world…that’s a bad idea.