Layering - Good or Bad?

The pros are definitely solid, but the cons have yet to show their teeth.

If a server reaches 4 layers for example.

That’s 4x rare spawns, profession mats, BOES, Gold being created. All being connected and dumped into 1 economy.

How is that healthy? Not to mention the outdated auction house will implode from how much is being listed.


It will split the server up, which isn’t what classic is meant to be about. It’s just another poor system from Blizzard to go a long with sharding and CRZ. Screw this game and stuff Blizzard so sick of their illogical idea’s. Vanilla WoW didn’t have ANY sharding, layering, CRZ and IT WAS FINE.


Exactly same as 4 servers merged together later on but way more flexible.
This is actually a brilliant solution to a real problem.
Some people just refuse to understand it.


That was expanded upon, they asked the devs more questions after that video ended.

Where is all of this “layering” talk coming from? There’s nothing in any official channel that talks about this.

still can hop once. still exploitable.
still able to avoid world pvp if you want to avoid it.


Watch the streams, all the info is there. It wont be there in later levels.

Once is the key word

it is still able to be exploited.
blizzard stated that rare resources should be rare.
guess what? with this they won’t be.


SO im getting camped in Slithus, oh wait ill just get invited to one of the other two SHARDS and escape.

This is a serious problem for PVP servers.

Oh the Rich thorium vein isn’t spawned? Well John invite me to your SHARD then Claire will invite me to her SHARD.

This better not last until phase 2!


That’s not how it works. There is player persistence.

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I can’t watch streams while I’m at work so I can only go off of whatpeople are linking text to me. Someone said it was and now some are saying its not.


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All of the streamers keep emphasizing big time that it will 100% be gone by Phase 2, I think the concern is how long is Phase 1 actually going to last if that’s the case?

It isn’t as bad as sharding, and if it is only temporal I won’t be that bad, just bear with it for a month.

no, i’d rather blizzard do what tehy said at blizzcon.
go ahead. shard the low level zones.

This deal is getting worse all the time


and people told me to trust blizzard, that they wouldn’t break their promise.


it could always come back …

they said it will be taken out after a few months so as long as they do it im good with it,