Layering - Good or Bad?

It is described as sharding exactly. To a T it is described as sharding, the only difference is is that this is planned from the start and longer term and over the whole world instead of one area. So take sharding (because that’s what it is described to be), and push it throughout the whole world on a longer time frame. It doesn’t take a genius to figure that out.


­They promised that layering will be 100% gone sometime before Phase 2 begins, but what is your take on this? I understand sharding/layering is probably essential to at least have the game in a playable state upon release but it also seems like it’s already pissing a lot of people off.

sums up the entire debate.

without sharding/layering/ wathever you want to call it, overcrowding everywhere will turn your experience into a nightmare.

Went through this with everquest 1 vanilla server… everywhere you go, there’s 20 people also trying to do the same thing. Waiting queue for every mob, every camp, quest take 10X as long ( and there’s no danger of dying because the amount of player ­ surpass the amount of mob… for those seeking the vanilla experience of fearing death)

Yeah and how long will this so-called first phase last? Are we talkin days, weeks, months, a year? This is a deal-breaker, I’m out. This goes against one of the main reasons people wanted classic so gg Blizz.


It’s essentially just multiple servers that are premerged because of tourists.
I really don’t see how this is so horrible as long as the merging is complete before phase 2.

it will be gone by phase 2 since half the population will be gone after the first month… and there’s no layering happening if we have less than 3000 ( or wathever the number is) player online at once.

Funny, because people fail to comprehend sharding too.

How many congruent players will there be? How many in each zone? 3k you think? At what point do you expect to see that disappear/reappear stuff?

The starter zones on launch day and thats about it.

farm rare resources on your server.
get invite to next server. farm rare resources their.

getting ganked and don’t want to?
go to a separate server.


it’s actually a clear case of ‘’ you think you don’t want shards… but going by what happened for EQ1/EQ2/ other game who tried vanilla server… you actually like shards more than waiting for mob respawn on every single quest you do, because server are too overcrowded"


You cant just hop layers, it will be limited. Once you hop, you are stuck there for better or worse.

Yeah some people do but what does that have to do with this conversation? Oh nothing at all? That’s what I thought.

Does it matter what the number is? You literally just described it as not being like sharding because sharding you see people disappear and reappear… this is literally the exact. same. thing. period. And no you will see it well after starting zones as well let’s just kid ourselves. You are still going to be seeing people join groups from general and then seeing them disappear. I’m not even arguing whether or not layering is going to be bad anymore, but if you are acting like it isn’t the exact same thing as sharding except a more intense version, you are very delusional.

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This would be maybe effective for black lotus and few other things.
But I doubt the tourism will last so long that it would seriously affect this anyway.

It’s more than likely that the initial surge will be there for a week or two and then die down and then this “layering” will be gone too.
This really does not sound like a massive problem.

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it’s things like this that big groups tend to abuse in order to farm or trol or whatever.

i still get invites from randoms on other servers just because they want to check for rares or who knows what.


This sounds absolutely garbage.


This is good, it prevents massive queue times or extra servers at launch.

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Blizzard: “We want world PVP to happen. If we do sharding, it will only be starting zones for a little while.”

Everybody: :thinking:

Blizzard: “Er, now we are doing mega shards across all zones.”

Everybody: :confounded:

Blizzard: “I have altered the deal. Pray I do not alter it further.”


I will take this over having 30+ servers at launch that end up dying out


not what they said. if you wanted to play with your friends all you had to do was get them to invite you.


oh, it also allows for less servers like crz …
im sure it saves money, which means dont be surprised …

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and that’s the problem though. blizzard said rare resources should be rare. obviously this won’t be the case.


wwwaaaaayyy better then sharding. 3k players pops!!