Layering - Good or Bad?

I completely agree. It seems like a reasonable way to keep the game playable during tourism. And it’s not permanent.

Thinking through it, I think layering is worse than sharding. There is a major negative effect on the economy as an entire continent shard means that players will be able to pool scarce resources like black lotus jumping from layer to layer.

edit: this is assuming that layering last the “promised” max length of time, up to the end of phase 1.


Their NDA just got lifted 40 minutes ago, this is all 100% confirmed information. They were all invited to Irvine, CA to a WoW Classic Summit to meet with the devs and alpha test the game and more.

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It could also be for forever.
If it’s only until the tourists leave or for the first phase then I am okay with it.
This cannot be around when honor system kicks in though.


The chances of disappearing or seeing people disappear went from frequent to almost never.

Pretty big difference.


Until I see some sort of official source I’ll remain skeptical.

It being the whole world seems pretty exploitable for certain materials like Black Lotus.

Also “Some time before phase 2” doesn’t fill me with a lot of confidence without knowing what the release timers on the phases are.

Though I’ll second that I’d like an actual blue post on this.


From my experience with sharding this is most definitely better because there’s nothing more irritating than talking 3 steps away and having people (or nodes) disappear.

So in that sense, layering is a better solution to the issue. However I don’t want to see thing long term, so as long as it’s gone by Phase 2 I’m ok with this.

Oh you’ve experienced the layering already in WoW? Man you must be a time traveler. What makes you think it is any different at all? If your layer gets to max capacity then you will start seeing people disappear, just like sharding man lol.

If they made it so it’s at a 3k limit, now that I think about it might not be that bad, but it’s still going to be trash in later levels however you look at it. It is sharding, there is no difference besides layering is planned and long term.


Not sure if you are at work and cant watch streams (or dont want) but there are videos out with interviews saying exactly what it is.


I mean you can be skeptical, I’m not trying to spread anything incorrect lol. These people were invited to test the game and talk to devs then were given permission earlier this morning to announce every piece of information they have.


Blizz devs said in the interview video from StaySafe that this is only planned for the launch phase. It is to keep the servers from repeating the problems that Vanilla launch had.


Reverse that and you will see my point.

Have you already experienced the layering? What makes you think it’s like sharding at all…

if it isnt gone early on, it is a game breaker.
no chance i waited this long for crz 2.0

the entire world is being sharded. it will affect resource gathering. it will affect world pvp.


Well it says that it will be gone “before Phase 2” so I don’t think there’s a ton to worry about. Sure City Raids and random PvP in Phase 1 will be somewhat affected, but we don’t get the Honor system and ranks until Phase 2 and people will likely be leveling and gearing up most of Phase 1 anyway, so I think the effect will be minimal.

As long as they stick to the “Gone by Phase 2” promise.

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I can deal with it for the phase 1 I guess, if it fights having to do merges effectively.

1 Like This is the interview, feel free to actually watch before you think that the sky is falling.


on the other hand it will affect world pvp and resource gathering (as you can just go to a different “layer” and gather resources after exhausting yours.
it also means were sharding literally EVERY ZONE IN THE GAME

This is just a different name for sharding and making the shard area bigger. If I’m running around IF look for my friend and can’t find them because we’re on different layers, it’s no different then if IF was sharded and we’re on different shards.

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