Layering exploit is real - Guy has 160,000 gold in Arcane Crystals

The guys has all those crystals worth 160,000GP…but who has the gold to buy them?

They’re only worth that much if players are willing to pay that much. I don’t like the exploit being used, but how many buyers can afford to buy at those prices?

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Hes got a lot of Arcane Crystals, but he doesnt have 160,000G worth of anything, as no one has the cash to buy them for a price that would lead to that much profit. Not even close.

Non-issue, really.

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its not difficult to believe, though. we have multiple players on our server with epic mounts already, one of which is also offering a 1k gold bounty to any horde who can kill him by friday.

I was wondering how they had this kind of money to throw around, but if this kind of layering exploit is being abused, it suddenly makes a lot more sense.

Open your eyes?

There’s literally hundreds of requests in chat on my server for layer swapping.

Look at the AH and the abundance of rare hard to find high gold items.

Look at the amount of downloads for the add-on to automate layer swapping.

There isn’t a single reason to justify your post.

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this isnt bannable, people do it on live it isnt an exploit

What are you talking about? Gold get’s you boes, consumables, and mounts. Yes, that’s the point. Someone who exploited to get 100,000 gold could easily provide consumables for every person in the guild for a very long time, or just buy out literally everything for scarab lord and just do it themselves on day one. You really don’t see how this is a problem?

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not difficult to believe, though. we have multiple players on our server with epic mounts already, one of which is also offering a 1k gold bounty to any horde who can kill him by friday.

They didn’t get that money from selling black lotus or arcane crystals, since no one is buying them yet.

Nah man, its real, I’m exploiting layering and I’ve already made 10 billion gold. I bought the super secret flying mount and have driven the price of Black Lotus into the ground but am also somehow making loads of gold off all the level 30s that are buying it. I’d show you the screenshots but my girlfriend in Canada has them.


There’s literally hundreds of requests in chat on my server for layer swapping.

Which isn’t evidenced by the assertion that someone made 100k doing it.

Don’t see that many on mine. A lot of it is a factor of how many people are on servers compared to how used to be. Yes, layer exploiting helps some people, but the extent is an exagerration.

There isn’t a single piece of evidence to prove the assertion that someone made 160,000 gold in Arcane Crystal. Because the poster made it up.

Is there a screenshot, even a poorly doctored one, of all these Arcane Crystals?

They sell, just not for 50g each. Even at a fraction of that, its still incredibly good money.

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No but it’s enough cause for concern to warrant further investigation. First hand anecdotal experience I know a half dozen people well over 1k gold by doing this.

Understandable, each server is unique. I’m on a day one server and the abundance of rare items is ridiculously more than just population increase. There’s dozen of listings for a single item by a single player.

The player base can’t do much on their own except express cause for concern to the blues that are listening. This is in blizzards hands not ours. Again, enough cause to warrant further investigation. To simply shrug it off is nonsense.

Never gonna happen, not ever.

It’s puzzling to me they didn’t limit the amount of layer changes per hour . I can see maybe like 2 or 3 changes to allow people to group with various friends while questing or whatever, but anymore than that is just someone using the system in a way it was not intended.

Unless your in a guild that will get scarab lord, and you would already know if you are, you were never in the running for that, and high end raid guilds playing like their life depends on it will always happen.

The best guilds do provide enchants and consumable to their raiders, they have people who just farm gold for their raiders to use, unless you are one of those people, competing at the highest level, I dont see how some guild smashing content they know how to smash keeps you from doing it eventually.

Are you 60 in classic? If not you werent even trying to be on their level, like the people who will be wiping in MC when they hit 60 being rustled over the best players doing something they have done 10 times over.

Sorry you wont be farming for scarab lord, but the reality is that was never in the cards for 99% of the playerbase.

If you want rewards for existing play retail, you want to be at their level, then get there, it sounds like people are mad that others are very good at this game and have decided to take it 1000x more seriously than they ever were going to.

You want to have that kind of money, there is a path to it, if you dont take it thats on you. Other people being hyper successful doesnt make you less successful. If you want what they have, you have to put in the same level of insane work they did. Gotta do the work if you want to get paid.

A lot of truth in this.

If this was Magic the Gathering, this guy could retire. Well… maybe not quite but he’d have a lot of money.

If blizz nerfed dungeon raid exp then this 100% has to get some involvement.
This is economy ruining and has way more impact on the game.

1000 MtG Black Lotus? Those are pretty pricey, at up to $30,000+ per card… Yeah, you could retire on that even if they sold at the low end of ‘merely’ $4000 per card. That’d be roughly $4million USD.

Oh they’ve gone up in price from what I remember.