Layering exploit is real - Guy has 160,000 gold in Arcane Crystals

I honestly don’t understand why it honestly matters all that much… they’re resources. Resources are used and then gone. But that’s just my opinion. :man_shrugging:

I do believe in the team that worked so hard on this game for us. What we want and what they want to give us are aligned. They’ve shown this. They’ll take care of what they need to. They know what they’re doing and they know what’s going on. Trust them. They got this.


it doesn’t matter. whiny little kids just like to whine because they can. that’s just the sad state of average wow players these days.

private server player btw, don’t even own BFA. it’s blizzards fault for releasing with layering, stop trying to blame players for having bigger brains than you


Its funny seeing all the retail people be like “Who cares? What is economy?” That is everything in vanilla

Taken from another thread

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I don’t play retail… I’m a vanilla to Cata* guy. I honestly don’t enjoy retail. The economy will balance itself out. Yes, it’ll start off a bit '_$+Ed up, but it’ll be alright. Enjoy the game, stop fretting.

Yet there are only 4 to 5 layers per server.

Typical casual mentality lol

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Dont help much because it doesnt really prove anything…
I can do my own server for wow and spam the command to make get arcane crystals lol.
There are 5 layers per realm, its not possible.

They funny part is:

  • The guy blacked out his name…

  • Blizzard can probably do a search for player accounts with that many of those, finding him and other people in about milliseconds. Not sure as to what tools they have, but they’d have to have stuff like that.

Other people have posted that it may be a private server, actually.

It would be funny though, if it was legit. It would also be funny if Blizzard could basically press a button and remove such ill gotten gain/the NPC sale money from it. Or yeah, just suspend/ban. They don’t often do that, but it depends on the severity? Like if you are just out mining, get in some other group, then mine again and nodes are back, it is different from obviously doing it on purpose.

… You argue like a Democrat… :roll_eyes::roll_eyes: you make assumptions and call names. It says a lot about the kind of person you are and your level of intelligence. It’s the mentality of someone wanting to enjoy the game. What good does your whining do?

Not true. They can, but they really dont want to.

They are betting on worse consequences if they open up like 65 servers, and then having to retract them later. Alternative: layering

Loosening up queues is a step to spread population out, but it wont work, but it might be buying them time to…

Close layer hopping with code.

In the short term, they need to remove grouping across layers until they scramble with cryptography. Removing grouping across layers is also a pretty drastic solution.

So in the meantime, we wait. The rich will get richer. Im not sure they had the code in place to trigger rollbacks for every possible angle of the exploit.

Im sure they are frustrated as hell about it.

Forgive me if you were being sarcastic, but

This is not true, per their own words in a two hour stream. Layers are dynamic and they confirmed there isn’t a set amount of layers.

The addon confirms well above 20 layer iterations on some servers.

Their goal is to get rid of them ASAP. Im expecting a fairly drastic solution this weekend, as the popularity of classic exceeded expectations.

The one thing they can do, easily, is open up more servers, but they don’t want to dilute the existing communities.

The transfer offered signals their willingness to make changes, and Im sure they see its a temporary fix.

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Check my name

“”""… You argue like a Democrat""""

That’s a compliment to anyone, it is the Dotard-voters who can’'t debate without resulting to insults like Orange Julius does.

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I personally have over 9000 black lotus. I also have just as much evidence to prove it as these other claims.

Which happens to be no evidence at all.

This is not an exploit!!!

Literally playing the game and jumping through layers like the game is intended. It was forseen before the game even launched.

I dont even know why i am arguing with you, its a victimless ghost crime and you cannot possibly prove or catch anyone doing it unless you have video proof, which you dont. So suck it.

And this is exactly why there needs to be a limited list of addons that are allowed in classic. Only allow ones that were actually in vanilla and that’s it. Any new addon should not work by default.

If there’s a way someone can abuse something to get ahead of strangers in a video game; they will find it.

It’s an absolute exploit. Just because something is possible in the game does not mean it is allowed. This has been proven in the past when people were banned for doing things that were unintended.

It is also not victimless. It allows that person to control the economy in perpetuity. When you have that much wealth you can manipulate the market going forward.


It is an exploit.

The purpose of layers is to distribute the population so the game world is not unplayable due to too many characters.

The purpose of switching between layers is so that you can still group up and quest with your friends.

Creating infinite resources for yourself is absolutely unintended. If they wanted that then they just wouldn’t put a cap on how many resources you get from a single node.


I thought there was supposed to be a delay before you get switched to new layer after invite? Are you saying that is not the case?