Layering exploit is real - Guy has 160,000 gold in Arcane Crystals

LMFAO u cant be serious? hes just being resourceful, he deserves any success he achieves from this. props to him and anyone else who abuses this.

I sure as hell hope so.

/who does not work in this way. The results are not specific to the player’s current layer. Thus, this addon doesn’t exist. Additionally, without further proof, that bank screenshot is 99% fake. If it were real, what would be the need for the suspicious crop job?


I don’t like layering either but lying and making things up to push the agenda is hurting the cause.


It is amazing how people still respond that this isn’t a big deal and doesn’t effect anything. I weep for the educational system.

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fix this and ban abusers blizzard .

Agreed. Remove layering (or layer swapping) immediately. That’s the only solution.

Brilliant. You think layer swapping is an exploit causing massive problems, so you go and tell everyone how to do it themselves.


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well maybe if EVERYONE does blizzard will finally step in

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Guess what happens when the supply of a product sky rockets?

Prices go up! 100,000 arcane crystals will sell for 2k gold each! Markets are screwed!

Epic mount or half an arcane crystal? Not sure what to do.

Not very sound logic, if you ask me.

I don’t think I’d be encouraging people to participate in the problematic activity if I wanted the problematic activity to be stopped.

Please try again…

By phase 2 the economy will be un-fixable.

Don’t worry this will all be fixed in Phase 2 lol

Yes, when the economy is already ruined.

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Lol “resourceful” and “abuse” in one sentence. YOU can’t be serious.

That’s not how supply and demand works. It’s literally the reverse of that. Over saturation of the marketplace makes it to where the material will sell cheaper, because there’ll be more supply then demand.

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lol, you mean like you just did? /facepalm

Just disable addons.

Or else Blizzard take a few popular addons and implement them as optional constant things, addons are harmful for the game, this has become clear, ban people who are proven layering abusers, in fact… at this point this is just an Alex was right moment, Blizzard messed up big by having layering in the game, it is REALLY harmful, my ex guild (before they transferred servers) had it’s guild chat FULL of “layer me please”, people are just abusing layers to avoid the game, those who cannot be named servers ended up being a better experience :confused:

Perma ban accounts using exploits.

I abused the hell out of server hop to get my sulfuras done during the Silithus yearly event. I didnt had to fight anyrhing, i instantly mine all node in one pick and could fly. Yet took me 3 hours of server hoping in the same area. I am sorry but this amount of crystals is fake news considering that on full pop servers you only have 4 layers at max. And its total amount isnt 160k but… 2-3k atm on the orc’s SS.

That’s how I feel too. I mean, if there’s 25 layers and a chest on each one of them, and they’re all spawned at the exact same time, and no one else grabs them, then yes, I can see how this could happen.

BUT we know that’s not the case. The chests and rares don’t usually spawn at exact times. People almost for sure will grab them before the 'hopper gets to them.

And even if they don’t, it’s still 25 chests whether one person gets them or 25 people get them. It’s all the same world, the same AH, no matter who has the materials.

And for that matter, the same AH services - say two or three times the total Vanilla population - are needing resources. It’s not the same this time around. Maybe it will be in six months, but not right now.

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