#LayerArugal - Please

Or perhaps roll on a PvE server?

Why would anyone on a PvE server care about faction balance?

I was there, it was comparable to the lines for certain mobs in the classic launch, and this was with the populations back then, so yes. it will be way worse

A lot of heat going on the forums at the moment but Blizzard always harps on about “Constructive feedback” being the best way to explain to them the problems. While i don’t have any crayons i can write this in below i will do my best to explain a simple yet fundamental reality of Arugal’s population.

When Blizzard has taken away layers from Arugal in the past the player base reacts as per the following.

  1. Word spreads across most of the player base fast like the torches of Gondor being lit. A large chunk of the player base reacts by remote logging in while at work or running anti AFK measures to keep their accounts logged in.
    This is exactly what occurred Sunday and will occur today.

  2. Getting on the forums and blaming bots & multiboxers for the queues.
    While i don’t think a group of people running a few summoning accounts are a problem you do have a real problem with botters returning enmasse. Especially after you removed the transfer restrictions.

Now all of this happens because of the very real possibility of missing raid times with guild and generates some pretty big feel bad’s and fomo.

Point 1 pretty much explains why you start seeing queues 5-7 hours before peak times. Then when you turn layers on the player base reacts by not logging in at work and not running anti AFK tech. Then the data you have been closely monitoring gives you the false sense that layers are not required.

Imagine having to log in from work at 10AM and keeping your character active until you get home after work just incase you wanted to play a video game you subscribe to for a few hours ? If you decide not to play at all you have still chewed up that server position for a significant period of time for nothing.
This shouldn’t be something the player base has to do & is a situation caused by the players as a result of actions taken by Blizzard.

This is the same reason why us Aussies couldn’t buy toilet paper during the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. Lol

Alot of you comment about “well why didn’t you just transfer off when it was free”
The problem or should i say the best thing about classic is the community, the legends in LookingForGroup to the scumbags who ninja mounts from ZG. Both the good and the bad/toxic parts. You know the names you know some of their story.

Transferring to a different realm is a bit like moving countries. Sure if your guild comes with you its easier. But you instantly lose all the contacts and knowledge of that community to start again.

A lot of people simply don’t want to do that & i cannot blame them!

Blizzard did screw us a bit with the server selection at launch. We were given from memory 1 PVP server - Arugal and 1 PVE server which’s name i couldn’t tell you.
Yojamba was released after day 1 but again as mentioned before. Alot of the player base was already invested in their first characters and the community.

I honestly believe that at least until the end of Naxx that layers need to remain on Arugal.

Love it or hate it, this issue is both equally on Blizzard and the player base.
But unfortunately for some of you who are against it, i believe Layering Arugal is the only viable solution on going.

Looking forward to the comments, support & criticism’s below.

Some garbage Resto Druid from Arugal.
Vladimirr :slight_smile:




Instead of Layering, forcibly and permanently split the server in half. Create a new server and rename Arugal so that both servers are “new”. Roll dice and send half of the guilds to one server and half of them to the other.

Too many people are on single servers.

Why layer Arugal? just join gdkp run, let bots own the server, so they can farm more gold and sell it cause Blizzard doesnt care. They know exactly the GDKP leaders work so hard, boost 9 tanks to lead gdkp, create bots, selling gold. All gdkp leaders are Chinese partners, they have like 15 people work together making $ as a job.

Instead of Layering, forcibly and permanently split the server in half. Create a new server and rename Arugal so that both servers are “new”. Roll dice and send half of the guilds to one server and half of them to the other.

Sounds good, we’ll get them to delete 50% of characters on Grobbulus too just to make sure you guys don’t get into the same sticky situation as us. Can’t be too careful.

Seriously how do you type out that comment without stopping to think about how non-viable it is as a suggestion?

#not going to work
#layer arugal
#If blizzard can fix it with out layer, they have already done it

Grobb could lose 75% of its population and still be overcrowded. I support this.

Prior to classic I was convinced a single shared seamless world was important in an MMO.

Classic has shown me it doesn’t matter and most people don’t care about it.

They should just megaserver.

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True, but they may need to adjust resource’s available i.e herbs, mining nodes etc to take that approach holistically.

Nope. We been playing together for 4 phases with only 2 remaining. Let us play together in peace.

If Blizzard wanted our population to be under cap, they wouldn’t have allowed fresh transfers to the only OCE realm with gates open.


All posts are getting merged into this topic as a form of containing our voices of righteous protest.

I don’t know if all lives matter or just black ones, but I DO know that Arugal lives matter.


Old mate in the other post asking for arugal player to be banned.

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Hey Kaivax, Karen here. Can I speak with your manager please?


There to busy repairing there analyst abacus


