Yeah - Im not saying we dont need layers (#LAYERARUGAL) but google remote desktop has been a savior for our guild
I teach, I’m not sure if you have kids, but imagine your kids coming home and your child coming to you and saying Mr ‘xxxxxxxxxx’ was on his phone every 13 minutes.
This would be irresponsible, against my code of ethics and just not applicable in my situation. Next
+1 bring back layers or increase server population so no wait time.
You don’t need to not have any que.
Learn when ques start and Travel time like I did.
I would remote desktop 3 hours before I was home and would usually be a 4 hour que. Drive home, shower, eat and boom I’m in.
If I remote in and I know I won’t be home for atleast 4 hours and the que was 2 hours I’d cancel and wait an hour, then try again, so it matched my time of me coming home.
You get to set when you log in.
I mean or they could just turn it back on, it’s a lot less hassle, and if you randomly d/c from queue your not back in the belly of the beast!
Ultimately, why should I have to? I pay for a game I should be able to play at any given time. I pay for 30 days subscription and i’m currently losing 6 hours a day. 6 hours in a day isn’t that much alone, but after a month, it’s 7.5 days. (Of which I can’t get a refund for)
You have protection from getting a que if dc’d.
You signed the TOS. It’s there game.
You would pay 15 a month even If you were only able to play a minute a month.
Oh look another person who isn’t on Arugal lol
I just watched this video that I found very interesting in which the issue of how we’re all going to fit in Outland is raised.
Classic’s release was chaotic, laggy, nearly unplayable for a while, with players spread across several starting zones. In TBC, everyone will be crammed into ONE zone at the start. This was an absolute mess the first time around, if anyone remembers. I can’t imagine what it would be like in TBC Classic.
Good luck getting through that Dark Portal!!
What do you guys think?
Thankfully they have learned that they cannot use Retail’s server hardware to host a Retail server population this time around.
Vanilla only had two continents. In BfA, they have oodles of continents, and plenty of people AFKing in towns or instant teleporting to BGs/Dungeons. They didn’t have to be out in the world questing/running to dungeons.
Here’s HOPING they are learning from Classic!
Honestly, it depends on what route blizzard take when handling launch.
Let’s say the servers continue as they are (either by upgrading the server to TBC or cloning the vanilla servers before patching them to TBC). There will be extreme problems for servers like Arugal, which has 8-10 thousand players on it during peak times (nearly 1k players per zone in tbc, let alone hellfire peninsula at launch).
Alternatively they could come up with a new server list and let the WoW community redistribute itself across these new servers. This also has problems, name reservation for one would have to take place again and guilds would have to pray that there isn’t some kind of locking system that prevents you from getting your characters on to the same realm despite the population getting very high.
Another factor is if there will be a pre-patch or grace period to level dranei and bloodelf characters. If they do not give a grace period then at least some of the initial population will have the option of leveling new characters while the initial launch rush calms down. But if there is a grace period, then the hellfire launch situation will be even worse.
Finally there is the faction issue. A recent private server launched and despite giving alliance paladins seal of blood AND giving all alliance free respecs, the faction ratio was STILL 44% alliance to 56% horde. While this is only a small sample size of 5-8k players, it does show that there is definitely a horde bias to the playerbase when it comes to TBC content. Honestly I’m not sure what blizz could do to alleviate this issue. Giving a faction bonuses is totally not like them. And while faction queues could be a solution, all I see is the horde getting very upset that they want to play with there friends. Perhaps is a free faction change was given out at TBC launch after clearly telling the playerbase that there will be faction queues on these TBC servers might be just enough incentive for some guilds to change across but otherwise the alliance (me too) are in for one rough ride…
I actually levelled to 61 by killing furbolgs in Winterspring. And I played in Malfurion, a medium-sized PvE server.
I’ll check it out day one if I can. If it’s as bad as I think I’ll just level an alt. I don’t wanna have to fight 15 other players for a hellboar kill.
And I can’t even imagine what it’ll be like on PvP servers.
Lol, you won’t be able to move, let alone cast a spell. Tag wars will be the least of your problems.
There will be no PvP because everyone with a brain will roll Horde. There are plenty of reasons to roll Alliance in Classic, NONE to roll Alliance in TBC. If the balance gets to 90/10 it’s because 10% of players are morons.
You can start in zangarmarsh
You have to get through the Dark Portal to get there, don’t you?
Yeah… if people thought getting ganked while leveling was bad in Classic, just wait…
i just prefer alliance??
edit: ignore the fact i am a horde mage.
The sooner people stop thinking faction balance matters, the better imho. You may think it matters, but it doesn’t, and never did*. Complete red herring.
As for TBC: I think odds are slowly growing that it won’t happen
- unless they raise pop cap, thereby increasing density…otherwise map is big enough to handle most disparities
500iq play