#LayerArugal - Please

This is because you don’t have any friends and picking up and leaving was no issue.

This is Australia we’re talking about, we as consumers actually have protections under the law unlike you poor serfs in the US.

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Arugal is like the only pvp server for oceanic players. They don’t have a ton of options like the rest of NA without high ping.

This server should absolutely be layered

That ‘protection’ does not amount to much when you realize the company you would be going after is not based in Australia and as a whole you are worth about 15k subs to Blizzard/Activision. The instant someone actually gets the case inside a court room you can expect a complete closure of all Blizzard/Activision services in Australia. 15k subs is a small price to pay to avoid legal fees and/or pay outs.

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Excited with the successful first progress run through AQ40 our guild was eager to continue tonight. Saturday morning we wake up to read that Blizzard has decided to turn off layers! Hearts sank and revisiting 4 to 6+ hour queue potential based on the previous time layers were removed… but still we remained optimistic.

By Saturday afternoon there were queues, 30mins, 1hour, 2hours… We make the decision for as many of us as possible to forego our Sundays with our families and remain online to ensure we minimise the potential disruption of the impending unmanageable. But that is harder than it seems, people try, random disconnections drop people into the queues already forming by 1 pm… again, 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours, by 6 pm ** 4-hour queues exist** and all the excitement of our AQ progress raid is all but over…

We face into it and make the decision to call off the raid, people eventually start filtering in 1 by 1 as others log out as they have been on all day and the guild and 40+ members try to remain optimistic about being able to conduct the raid tomorrow night… Monday… but…

We all know, that unless Blizzard acts swiftly on this issue the opportunity for us to raid will fail yet again. Please, Blizzard, place customer satisfaction, playability, and reduce the anxiety of all those raiders and rankers by turning layers back on for Arugal.



Many of you are reading replies from Azazil, Aresia, Joyson, Twinkledum, Kickpoly, Askimos and others and may feel compelled to respond to them.

Their opinions are noted, and discarded. Their decrying of our situation is meaningless and worthless. Arugal as a community is speaking out about how we feel about OUR server and community and their opinions are null and void.

Either they are being willfully obtuse or trolling - all it says is that they don’t really understand our community in the slightest or how we want to play our classic experience.

I encourage you all to ignore them. Do not give them the satisfaction and attention they are clearly craving by constantly attempting to strike our nerves. Let them wallow in self pity and be jerks in their own little caves.

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I thought you were done responding to my posts? Did you copy paste this?

Your community obviously needs some help from people with objective views. You have people calling for the ACCC which will do nothing best case scenario and has a pretty bad worst case scenario. I get that you are frustrated but really it is best to stay calm in these situations and wait for a response after making a few posts.

Just throwing in my 2c, my +1 raid was not able to finish today and my main raids were delayed, one 20 man was 3 hours late and I have no idea how they waited around for those to get on but we managed to do it.

Please bring back layering or find a way to reduce these ridiculous queue times, opening up transfers AND removing layers as AQ releases on Arugal is completely ridiculous + you did it right before the weekend so you would not have to worry about any fallout? Huh?

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I have no idea why you would remove layers off this realm, when we had 2 layers there was a queue during the opening of the gates.

Opening xfers to this server has also made many guilds from other oceanic servers xfer to here as the AQ gates are not open on their servers.

With the current queue times many guilds cannot raid with their guild and are having to fill up to 20 spots with pugs due to the length of the queues and disconnects putting players back to the start of a queue or putting them in a queue while they were already in game.

If they are doing business here, they are subject to Australian Consumer Law. Just ask Steam, Sony and many other non-Australian companies how that argument worked for them in court. Hint: It didn’t and they all received large fines and penalties for their anti-consumer practices.


Yep and they KEPT their service there. You really need to read up on international law and what companies can do to get out of bad situations. Companies will do whatever is in their best interest. Pay fines if the profits warrant it. Cut ties if they do not.

International law has nothing to do with how Australian Consumer Law is applied. They can put whatever they want in their EULAs or TOS, it means diddly squat, as Australian Consumer Law trumps any language they put in those documents. All those aforementioned companies have paid their fines and posted apologies in their web sites and most importantly, since followed all directives placed on them by the ACCC, the body who is responsible for enforcing the ACL.

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And you still fail to realize WHY they agreed to pay such fines. It was in their best interest to pay the fines and keep Australia as a consumer base. In Blizzards/Activisions case it would depend how high the fines are. If your 15k subs warrant paying a fine they will do that. It all depends what sort of fines are levied IF they can be levied at all.

You will not divide us, by not dividing us.


This post is great, you get my like sir even though I do not care about layering arugal.

If they don’t pay the fines or follow the directives, they will have further penalties levied against them up to and including being prohibited from conducting business in Australia. We may be a small market comparatively, but we are a very lucrative one, being a wealthy nation of high GDP per capita. They will pay the fine and they will tow the line if they wish to continue earning revenue here, just like Sony, Steam and many others already have.

…and you were awesome in ZG before, glad we could actually play the game even if our mates were in queue.

What is this dumpster fire of a mod-merged thread.

:crab: $15 subscription :crab:
:crab: Multi-billion dollar company :crab:
3,099+ 4hr queue


I see you finally understand. That is what I have been saying.

You have to be American, no Australian is this obtuse and argumentative, or stupid.