Layer Hopping now has Internal Cooldown

Not in vanilla.

You’re entire argument just became invalid.

Dungeon finder came out just before cata.

I actually know what I’m talking about. Sorry you don’t?

A meeting stone…is not a dungeon finder. Seriously you’re argument is this?

Dungeon finder does not equal meeting stone.

Again you have no argument.

Both automatically sort you into groups. How are they different exactly? :rofl:

No they dont.

A meeting stone was a device to summon a player to a dungeon. You didn’t queue up for it.

It was just a lock summon without the lock.
You still had to go to a city to ask in chat for a group.

You weren’t paired with anyone.

Again try harder.

Meeting stones only summoned people in TBC. In vanilla they automatically added people and formed groups for dungeons.

Again, you don’t know what you’re talking about.

  • [Patch 2.0.1] Meeting Stones now function similar to a Warlock Summon spell.

[Patch 1.7.0]2005-09-22):*

  • You will no longer be kicked from the meeting stone queue when a player declines a group invite or when inviting someone that is already in a group.

  • You will now be informed that you have left the meeting stone queue when the group leader logs out.

  • Tanks and Healers will now be immediately added to the group by the meeting stone when they are the 5th member of the group.

  • You can now be added to a group by the meeting stone when that group contains characters that have disconnected.
    [Patch 1.6.0]: Players now receive an error message if they try to join a meeting stone queue and are in a raid or are not the party leader.

  • [Patch 1.5.0] (2005-06-07):

  • Innkeepers around the world now have a gossip option that lets you join a meeting stone directly from the innkeeper rather than going to the location of the meeting stone. Also these Innkeepers will now have background lore about each of the dungeons.

  • Levels Required for meeting stones have been increased. The intent is that a group will not receive party members from a meeting stone that don’t really have a chance of completing the dungeon.

  • Meeting Stones have had their rules for what players are grouped with what other players relaxed. This means groups who use meeting stones (or innkeepers) should have their groups formed much more quickly than they were previously.
    Patch 1.3: Added.

Not that this is even germane to what I posted originally which was making fun of the community for hating on an aspect that would “kill the community” (layering) while also loving on an aspect that kills the community (CRBGs). I just think it’s funny to slap down dumb trolls.

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The alternatives to layering have more of an impact.

While layering may increase server pop. All those people are still on your server. You can still talk, group, and trade with anyone regardless of layer. The community will remain the same with layering. That isn’t so with the other alternatives (aside from just giant queues).

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What an odd thing to say. Right off the bat you fail to recognize that people have different goals and intentions.

At launch I am the least interested in grouping personally. I am usually swapping back and forth between my main and a couple alts. I am working on early profession leveling so I can get bags, a wand and rudimentary gear. I am not trying to rush through the starter area. I have all the time in the world. I group up much later when certain more difficult quests are much easier as a team. Just grouping to tag mobs is not my style.


A (fairly) short cooldown (Just enough to make farming using it tedious) AND being unable to layer hop while in combat would probably solve this. The latter is, I think, still necessary to prevent serious abuse for PVP purposes.

Meeting stones in Vanilla were originally used to queue people in making random groups. This was a horrible system though as it did not take roles into consideration. So you could end up with the wonkiest groups. It wasn’t until TBC that they were changed to summon people as Blizz favored the LFM system.

I’m up to 170, and I still haven’t heard which version of a cooldown has been implemented in the Beta.

Can you people stop arguing about your opinions long enough to describe Blizzard’s opinion?


Yes you are correct about it being a queue (which no one used as it broke all the time and thus was switched in bc) But no one used it. Also one major difference.

You had to be beside the stone to use it and you weren’t teleported to the dungeon.

You couldn’t queue up in a major city and sit there. You still had to go to the dungeon.

You didn’t have to be beside the stone at all. You could queue up in a major city. Good job on making sweeping generalizations about a game with 8 million players. I’m sure your personal experience was representative of all of them, lmao

Less because with CRZ you can’t trade with everyone.

With layering even though you may not always see everyone on your server everyone you see will be on your server. You will always be able to trade, talk and interact with everyone. You just may have to group up to make it happen.

Layering does not equal CRZ. The impact on community is less with layering than it is with server merges. Even if you were to “cluster” the servers so the names/guild names couldn’t be duplicates, layering would still have less of an impact on the community.

To be fair though, the stones were the original way of queuing up. They changed it later so that you could do it at innkeepers.

Good good Layering is a great system for the launch period and there is still two months to really get it working nice and tidy.

A step into the right direction this is.

You should try to know what you’re talking about before correcting others.

Wait, you guys mean to tell me, they discovered something that could be exploited in the beta, and blizzard used the beta to implement fixes before the game is launched? Why I never! Having a beta to test and fix things? Crazy talk!!!


Didn’t you know the game is 15 years old and shouldn’t need a beta?!?!

WTF? I thought it wasn’t out till August!!! Joke is on me I guess :frowning:

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