Layer Hopping now has Internal Cooldown

Now they have to limit Layering to level 1-20 starting zone.

This is actually really good to hear, if true.

I’m genuinely amazed that people here already hop on board with this “fix” (to a fix) even though Blizzard hasn’t released any details about how this “fix” actually works.

You can’t even know yet whether this solves any issues, because you don’t know how it works. It may, or it may not.

This just shows how little it takes to get you on board or let you be walked over, cause you’re so misinformed you wouldn’t know whether things are actually going to turn out for the better, or for the worse. You just assume some random things and believe in it like it’s a fact. You just hear what you want to hear.

When in fact all you have now is just have a very vague tweet from a media outlet that’s not even from Blizzard.
Before you invest yourself in any ideas, it’d probably be better to wait for the real info on how this timer works from Blizzard first, don’t you think?

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Adding a cooldown to layer hopping was the proposed fix to avoid abuse, so it makes sense people are supporting adding a cooldown - we’ll have to wait and see what exactly this fix entails, but providing support for a change like this is kind of how it works…

Except that is not the main reason for layering, they could get the same effect by just spinning up as many servers as they have for each layer. The problem is that there is an expected rush of players at the beginning due to all the hype and most of that population will fall off in a short amount of time. Layering mainly is there so that when all the tourists leave you have healthy server populations remaining instead of a swath of dead realms.

Dying realms is what led to CRZ in the first place because players do not like server merges.

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Yeah layering was clearly broken, it is important progress.

I recall seeing some videos where player layers were changed by the system itself. Presumably the 7 hour internal cooldown would apply, but still, having one’s layer change once a gaming session can be frustrating (particularly if it leads to things like falling from the sky, or appearing in the middle of a pack of murlocs, and having to spirit run).

I don’t see how they can eliminate this, unfortunately. I’m still not a fan of layering, it doesn’t feel like a solution, it feels like a hack. We’ll see how annoying it is to beta testers in the coming weeks.

Good!!! One step in plugging the wholes!!

Thanks for the report!

If a cooldown is in fact implemented then that is a step in the right direction.

This thread escalated quickly :slight_smile:

No-one has even explained how they think the word “cooldown” applied in this situation works.

I still don’t know what the “fix” is besides “something prevents a layer change at some point for some time”.

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I’d go with 30 to cut down on the farming at cap.

Ya I tried asking one of the guys testing it on twitter about the details, but no response. Then some dude yelled at me about layering ruining server economies.

Where is the original tweet?

Edit: Woo! I can post links!

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Internal cooldown to layer hopping?

… sounds like a good solution. If the cooldown is long enough it should prevent all of the possible exploits that have been discussed so far.

From the sounds of it, and this is all my conjecture based on that one tweet, there is an internal cooldown after taking certain actions, that prevents you from joining a group and switching layers.

Depending on the length of time, (1 minute or 30 minutes?) this really isn’t a fix, it’s a band-aid to prevent PVP dodging.

Great guild name, totally fitting btw.

Grats on recognizing the joke.

More of an unfortunate coincidence in your case, but thanks.

This is excellent news. Layering does so much harm for what it hopes to cure; ameliorating this is welcome and necessary.

I could not possibly disagree more.