Layer Hopping now has Internal Cooldown

Fixed that for you.


That very sentence proves you wrong.

The very reason you don’t understand layering proves you wrong .

Everything you will say as a reply proves you wrong.

Well crbgs existed in vanilla.

So thats very much authentic to the game. Saying otherwise means you are wrong.

Can someone explain what this cooldown is?

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Whether it takes 1 hour to do the quests in a zone, or 3 hours, or 5 hours or 10 hours is an irrelevant number. The only question that matters is if players enjoyed it. And basing that enjoyment off, ‘How efficiently can I quest?’ is the wrong question to ask. If layering is being done for convenience sake putting efficiency at the forefront, then it’s being done for the wrong reason. And to speak in generalities, players who adopt that mentality will never be satisfied. Because it’s not about fun. They’re just trying to maximize their time, and that leads to all kinds of negative impressions. For the 473rd time: players need to unlearn what they’ve learned. It’s just a video game. Accept and embrace that and fun will come.

Excellent strawman, dude! Did you know that there was also a dungeon finder?

I’m in this forum because I intend to play Classic.

No, I won’t go play BfA. I did for a couple of months, found it lacking, and let my sub lapse again. I will sub again when Classic launches.

Why are you in this forum? Go play private servers. I hear they don’t have layering.

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Well for a lot of players including myself, the fun really only begins at max level. Of course this doesn’t speak for everyone, but a lot of players just want to get to max level to get to content they think that matters.

These people are stupid and shouldn’t be playing classic

Why are people stupid for playing a game a different way then you do?

I don’t like layering at all but as long as Blizz actually keeps their word for a change and it doesn’t last longer than two weeks then I don’t care how it’s implemented, ie cooldown or no.

 more authentic. Roger that.

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You are not.

But understand that you are asking for a system that was not in the original game.

So the question still remains, if it’s more of an authentic experience why are you playing Classic and not pvs?

So you’re trying to say raiders didn’t just play the game when they raided? Majority of players are not altaholics. I played in Classic I fail to see where the end game content was not the only thing that mattered.

The fact the speed guides exist tells you a lot about what people think about the leveling process.

There will still be hundreds more people in those zones than what they were ultimately designed for. You’ll still be fighting for tags.

Liq argues numbers and totally misses the point. lawl

Yes there is something wrong with it, that is the whole point of 2 different server types. If someone is that opposed to PvP then they should just roll on a PvE server.

I played as well. We all play the game differently. I also want to get to 60 efficiently.

Point remains, layering wasn’t in the original game.

Ahh I mistook what you where talking about with system. I didn’t mention anything about layering in my comments.

Layering is going to make a difference however to me it’s not going to be that big of an issue I know for others though it’s game breaking.

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restrict the timer to PvP or PvP areas such as arena. Using different time gating penalties for node farming or PvE exploits.