Layer Hopping now has Internal Cooldown

There is no “real” server.

Layers are not identified to us in UI in any way from my understanding.
More than likely they are not even numbering in a conventional way like 1 2 3 but probably a UUID…

But your point about people trying to create a strange “main” layer is valid.

Because it’s a black mark on Classic. And why are you arguing about it if you think it’s not gonna change?

Cause I feel like arguing about something that will not change fits into the definition of insanity. When you keep trying the same thing over and over with unchanging results.

Pretty sure there aren’t time machines to go back and change what it was when I purchased it. I do have retail too :slight_smile:

Because if one side is the only voice and continues poisoning the playerbase against Classic, Classic will suffer from bad press and reduced population.

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I disagree completely. Randomizing server sized layers on a daily basis is far worse than a single merge of vanilla-like servers. One is a constant disruption to the community, while the other is a one-time event, that, regardless of the problems it poses, the community will quickly adapt to.

And it’s going to be laughably ineffective for the players who try that, given how easy it is to unwittingly get removed from the layer. If the devs are even more clever, they’re remove the “hard rule” that party members join the party leaders layer. And instead enable the party leader(and party members) being transferred to a lower population layer should the leader’s layer actually reach “full” status.

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But its not randomizing. Every person that hops layers is doing it knowing they have the intention of doing so or that it will occur. The server isn’t just throwing people into layers without there permission aside for when you log in. And typically you will go to the layer your guild is on.

You think you do, but you have nothing written in stone guaranteeing that’s when layering is going to end. If the populations don’t drop like they expect, I can easily see them extending phase 1 out for months.

You do realize they’ve never said how long each phase will last…

That is the one, single, mature way to handle it.

If you don’t like it, don’t play until it’s gone.

Well done.


It’s like people don’t play this game…how do you propose a lock summon someone in a different layer to a group inside a dungeon? Locks can’t summon someone outside an instance into it and they obviously can’t summon people from one layer to another.

Have you ever considered that they then offer free server transfers to players on those high pop servers to potentially even fresh servers to allow for layering to be removed at an intended time? That once layering is removed, queue times become more of a normal thing to see? This is just for phase 1 which should still have a huge drop off of players. But if the servers still have more players than they expected, they have ways to deal with it and keep there promise.

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Oh really… So if you’re on a layer and the population of that layer drops down to just you, blizz is going to keep that layer open for you and you alone? Nice to know.


It’s honestly easier to explain it again rather than digging through my post history. Static layers are exceedingly simple. To the player, they are no different than servers. You choose a server and a layer on character creation and then each static layer acts exactly like a server. You can’t hop layers, you can’t interact with other layers, and the AH is per layer. However, if and when populations decline sufficiently, the layers merge.

This completely removes the sharding/CRZ/exploits/immersion breaking aspects of layering, while keeping the merge tech intact. Choosing a layer is no different than picking a server in vanilla, so anyone complaining about not being able to interact with other layers is like a vanilla player complaining about not being able to interact with other servers.

Static layers have persistent populations; no one is going to phase out in front of you and if a player is in your vicinity, you’ll see them because they haven’t been randomly placed in another layer.

Actually yes unless you create a trigger for it to shuffle and typically that given layer will then be prioritized with a queue to fill it.

This is not World of Guildcraft (like retail) or World of Groupcraft. Layers are random because you won’t have a clue what layer you’re placed on when you log in or transition to the other continent. You can control who you see in the world by grouping, but you can do that with CRZ too.

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So at the intended time to get rid of layering if the pops are still high they will add more servers and have queue times?

In case you haven’t noticed that’s what we’d like to see from the start! You’re now arguing for our side, congrats.

These are what Blizz are hoping to avoid especially on the initial days where players would be more cluttered. Its not as big later on in the games life, but it is something they can respond to.

Was in WoW from day 1. It was much more “convenient” than any MMO at the time, and was extremely popular because ANYONE could pick up and play it. It was the MMO for the “convenience-oriented mindset”, and was a massive success because of it’s casual & solo friendliness.