Layer Hopping now has Internal Cooldown

Imo it should be at least 24 hours.

Until you log in and realize you can’t join your friends, or SO :slight_smile:

Personally, I am fine with a time that will prevent people from hopping just to abuse world spawns myself.

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i’m gonna be alliance. you’d have to kill alliance npcs to bother me directly. but i still hate that. alot. drives me crazy. like right up the wall. i start yelling at my monitor and planning suicide missions. which i also hate. i hate hating things. i mean alot.

p.s. by suicide missions i mean, i’m level 5, you’re level 60 and i still run at ya. wastes my time of course. but till i can get a character high enough level to contest it for reals, its my only recourse. well i could just log out. yeah. i’ll log out.

You do realize a number of the instance zones(not so much the level 60 ones) are packed with all kinds of elites outside of the portal? (Well, I guess BRD and BRS have elites outside them, but the BRD elites can be dodged for the most part, and the BRS elites aren’t much of a problem either). Dire Maul can be tricky too. Strat and Scholo are no challenge at all. Mauradon, Deadmines, Uldaman, and(IIRC) Sunken Temple all come to mind as instances with non-trivial amounts of elites outside the instance to make life interesting for a solo player who is level appropriate to the content. Unless they luck into another group having recently been through.

how so? :grey_question:

Unless I missed it. He was suggesting a 24-hour cooldown?

If you have to hop to a guildmate to run let’s say Deadmines and then want to join a friend who happens to be on another layer you would be prohibited from doing that.

One of the reasons I like the timed debuff AND a safe zone mechanic to zone.

But then I could have misread his response.

Or as crazy as this sounds in an MMO… ask others for help. :slight_smile:

Most of my PvE days have been spend playing classic p-server EQ. (p1999)

Dying on old school EQ in a dungeon/raid often involved enlisting the help of other groups/raids to help with corpse recovery or spending a sizable amount of cashand time casting a corpse recovery spell. (Think around 50g a cast in Vanilla WoW terms.) Dying in classic EQ left all of your gear on your corpse.

couldnt the friend join you instead of you joining friend? guild mates are supposed to be on same layer unless you hop.

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I think that was more of a “we will look into” deal.

ah. i thought they had done it.

Right. Provided that is working :slight_smile:

I just think 24 hour is a little excessive and might create more problems than solve?

But these are just my takeaways is all.

I am just glad something is being done about it

Why should I need to ask when I’m in a party with 4 other people?

Oh wait, because somebody thought gameplay rules which prevent them from helping me would be a great idea. Brilliant!

yeah its interesting. hope we get a blue post verification

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Sounds like a reasonable compromise for a PvP server.

Were you planning on playing on a PvP server?

Prioritizing PvE convenience over PvP seems well… anti PvP server to me.

No but here’s your “other wrinkle” in the mix. You ask for help in general.

You get 20 people to come out and help you.

But it doesn’t help you at all, because they’re all locked on another layer.

Don’t take this the wrong way here, but frankly my idea doesn’t effect you one way or the other. I’m just more worried about the PvP being fun than some crappy lowbie blues/green taking 15 minutes longer to loot.

No offense.

my biggest concern was people farming that arena trinket. that thing would make somebody way too strong at a low level, given enough pre-planning to have friends/other account alts posted by the spawn point of the chest you could hop to.

you’d want to ask if they were locked first? could say… need help with ______. cant be layer hop debuffed.

You will not ind much world pvp on a dead realm.

Layering ensures you have a viable population after the dust settles from launch.

If you can’t understand “short term contingency for short term problems” then you have bigger issues to contend with. Yes it has potential to impact your gamplay in limited situations for a very limited time, after which is goes away and you never have to deal with it again.

You’re winding yourself up over an anthill and pretending it is Mount Everest.

You mean ruining the entire 1-60 open world PvP experience on a fresh server is a minor thing? :x

That’s like the best part of starting on a PvP server. Heck just do it like every MMO ever… make more servers and merge in a year or so.