Layer Hopping now has Internal Cooldown

and then they assume the person has dc’ed or logged off?

If this is true its good. Hopefully they keep it.

Usually that’s about the amount of time I’d get bored at least. :slightly_smiling_face:
Or at the very least find some more fresh meat. hehe

But check the example above given for raiding cities. 40 man raids popping out of thin air…

you should keep track of any threads on the topic, here or even the wow classic reddit, and re-post the half hour timer idea for pvp.

yikes. trying to solve for that. makes my brain hurt. would it help if they were only allowed to layer hop 10 people at a time (with a raid wide debuff for 5 minutes) and the same person couldnt do all 4 layer invites *(4x10=40). like 4 unique people. with maybe…egads another debuff with timer. can only layer hop invite up to ten people once an hour?

My thought would be to only allow layer hopping in non contested same faction zones for PvP servers. Just have everyone meet up in the nearest city or lowbie zone then head out together. Seems to promote good MMO play in general while getting rid of possibility for cheese.

No matter what they do, if you can change (to avoid pvp) or have to change layers (to find the pvp) in a contested pvp zone, you aren’t getting the product as intended.

Wow thanks Asmonbald.

ty. easier solution. lol so dont forget to mention that along with the half hour pvp debuff

If they don’t want to fight. They don’t want to fight. If they don’t layer hop they will fp out, log at the inn, or die, rez and leave anyways.
I mean i don’t see a lot of faith here in people on a pvp server wanting to pvp. Fact is if people don’t want to do it then they will won’t.
What im hoping for this time around is: Those not wanting pvp stick to pve servers and there’s less whining about pvp happening on PVP SERVERS. GG. Everyone is happy. In a perfect world. Lol.
Idk if they can but for large scale battles taking place they need to flag the people in those battles to that layer. If more join the battle those in other zones should be the ones layered out if need be.
Heck im down for full server sized battles! Let’s melt some servers. Lol

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Yeh I mean I’m not trying to be difficult about it, but I just know if I can think of a dozen ways to abuse it, then there must be a blasted hundred other ways that smarter folks than I will cheese things silly with.

I still see that happening with layers.

I plan on making that happen, might be on my layer but that’s fine.


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Of course you will have PVP. There is world pvp in BFA - it is just has no weight.

right. so now repost that whenever you see people discussing it: 30 minute combat debuff for layer hopping (needs to apply to pve too. cause people could start combat of any kind and cheat by layer hopping if things arent going as planned) and raids can only layer hop to non-contested zones

Well I mean pvp in WoW has never had weight. That’s all personal opinion though.

True - but in vanilla at least pvp effected the other players experience and vice versa.

Still can in BfA and in classic with layering.

Granted not as much as vanilla but it’s w/e. I’ll still be in valley of trials or deathknell killing quest npc’s making life hell for new players. Until they switch layers…

i hate that. nothing drives me crazier in wow, then people killing low level quest givers.

That’s my goal!!