Layer Hopping now has Internal Cooldown

correct. i’m one of the people who suggested they put a cooldown debuff on any kind of combat *pvp or pve with a 5 minute timer once out of combat. would work like being flagged essentially

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Which, if beta reports are to be believed, is exactly what they have done.

Not good enough. People would just afk dead for 5 minutes, respawn and accept invite.

Bam no more getting camped.
That’s terrible for PvP servers.

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5 minutes is a corpse run.

I mean half the fun of PvP servers is camping people until others arrive to stir up trouble. If they can just layer hop, it’s never going to happen.


oh thats true. i forgot about ganking/corpse camping being a past time on pvp servers. have always played on normal pve. well hopefully the devs know that. i’m sure they do. probably a bigger cd on the combat debuff. that was just my suggestion. not sure if this rumor is even true. no official word yet

Again, this is not a problem. PvP problems do not matter at all in the grand scheme of things.

Sure it does. Just not to you on your little PvE server.

oh now quit pickin’ on the pvpers. :sunglasses:

Just giving back what they’ve given PvE players for over a decade.

Yeh I wouldn’t care if it was a PvP only rule or something.
Frankly they can layer the PvE servers like a onion for all I care. :slight_smile:

I just don’t want dead wpvp as that’s my main hobby on WoW.


WoW hasn’t existed for over a decade. Just a lobby where you queue for dungeons.


Not just ganking. Raiding the cities. Shutting down a flightpaths. Fights outside of BootyBay. All of this stuff needs to happen on a single realm.

I think that if people didn’t experienced this, they don’t know what they are missing.

If they want to shard/layer to non-contested zones, that is fine. But a 5 minute debuff after being killed does nothing other than inconveniencing people that want to group up.

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i like my little pve server. hehe
but, i was worried about pvp being messed up by layer hopping. so my heart is in the right place. i just forgot that it isn’t just immediate avoidance, it’s corpse camping avoidance. how long would you say the average pvper will wait for someone to respawn before they give up?

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Incorrect. World of Warcraft has existed since 2004.

You may not like its current iteration, but it is still World of Warcraft.

Please take your half-hearted attempts at being edgy elsewhere.

Have a nice night.

Low effort tonight.

Well TBH I’d say half an hour at least.

Allow players to zone into the same instance if they want with no timer though.
That would cut down on the annoyance of getting dungeon groups going, and the only PvP related issue would be layer hopping in and out of stockades/ragefire which could have their own rule for it as faction controlled dungeons.

So the first thing we need to do is figure out how many layers on our particular servers. Then we figure out how to get the gang spread out in those layers but the same area.
Next we kill them. Then they layer hop right into our people. Bam. Dead again. Let’s think outside the box here people.
Can you imagine the tears of being layer ganked? Repeatedly. Muhahahaha
Only the strong survive because we adapt. We don’t ask for hand holding because our hand is grasping our weapons! The really important weapon is our mind. What we use to adapt. Instead of cry and ask for bubblewrap.

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You’re right. He is expending low effort tonight, isn’t he?

Yeh but the issue is… you can layer hop 39 people over to raid SW/Oggrimar just by stealthing one rogue/druid inside… but the others could just layer hop away and let you raid a dead city.

Causes more issues than it fixes.

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