Layer Hopping now has Internal Cooldown

I think we should drop this line of conversation. It’s genuinely off topic, and I’m not interested in any kind of crusade on anyone in these forums.

As I think about it, I’m becoming more convinced that they intend to deploy layering(or a variant of it) as a potential “fix” for complaints about Warmode. Seeing the effort to fix it in Classic is disconcerting all the same, because it suggests it may linger beyond phase 1. But Retail Warmode looks like the biggest winner if they can find a viable implementation of how to do things in Classic.

If the Classic audience doesn’t mind what they ultimately deploy, it should be a “guaranteed win” for implementation in BFA, so long as retail’s N^2 issue doesn’t kick them to the curb.


I’m ok with a layer restriction timer. But the other easy fix that’s waving around is rested zones. The combination of them would be far more effective, while ensuring a more cohesive appearance to the world.

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Rested zones have “an issue” on PvP servers. Plenty of rogues LOVED to kill people in the inns. Can’t have their prey getting away from them so easily.

Sure, but if you run into the inn and log off, its the same effect.

Exploits… duh.

One of the best parts about WoW was the community :frowning: Sigh I get that player count will significantly drop when they realize it may take 30 min to form a group for a dungeon thatll take another hour to complete but Id rather them just merge servers.

Yes, but if you know there is a rogue ganking in the inn, most inns actually have a “rest bubble” which extends outside the inn. So if you know a rogue was ganking people inside on the layer you’re on, you queue an invite to a different layer, switch before you walk in the door, and log out rogue free.

Dude brings it up almost every thread. This topic is about layering and fixing the exploits.
Sure dodging pvp was one of the concerns but how does that escalate into:

We can play this game.

He plays a pve server. What’s the point of advocating the removal of something that does not even affect him unless he flags himself for pvp? Did I mention he has done this across multiple threads? For months now? Yea. We get it. Dude doesn’t like wpvp.
I’m just glad he plays pve. Hope he takes all those not interested in pvp with him to his pve server. Whole lot less whining.

I for one am going to kill so many people they won’t say they were pwned. They will say they were Padre’d. There’s nothing any of the pvp haters can do about it. Except. Cry on the forums. Muhahahahahaha


Oh? Please show me where I named him or anyone for that matter. I stated a fact as to how this system is easily manipulated. In response to you being impressed by the moderation and “community” reaction.
Then telling us pvpers about his anti-pvp rhetoric being truth.
Also do you know the number of flags it takes to hide a post? Not as many as you think. Appealing things can gain valuable insight.
You’re free to flag away and we can let a CM decide.

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I’m usually a go solo guy but I tried custom groups for the elite nagas just to save time. I spent an hour trying to get things going and it was a total failure. It took me 30 minutes once I just went back to soloing them.

thats why i suggested you’d still be able to loot quest objectives but nothing else till cd expires.

You may be right. That may be exactly why they are “fixing” it. I for one am rioting if it goes beyond phase 1 in classic.


Nope. It’s instant death to PvP servers.
15 minutes is nothing.
Just remove it.


They didn’t care about exploits. If they did they would have seen the potential for abuse when they did the brainstorming session on this.
That is why I find it so hard to believe “gamers making games for gamers”. Anyone on this forum sitting in that room would have identified these issues at the idea level. Not months later in the beta. Omegalol.
That says a lot.


This is not a negative to layering.

How is layer hopping to a random layer to excape ganking and camping NOT a negative to PvP?

Lets just give everyone fricken bubble hearth while we’re at it.

Along with a $40 mount that makes you PvP immune in the cash shop.


I didn’t say that it wasn’t a negative to PvP.

I did say that it being bad for PvP (if it is) isn’t a bad thing for layering, as PvP is bad, so it being bad for PvP is a positive for layering.

i’ll explain:

the system tries to keep you on the same layer till you ride the boat to the other continent, log off, are dc’ed or have a friend invite you to their layer.

you can switch zones and still be with the same people. all of azeroth-eastern kingdoms is one big layer, and all of azeroth-kalimdor is another big layer. and it puts people of the same guild, on the same layer.

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Until you just ask some random guy on your friends list to invite you to his layer.

Boom gank avoided, camping avoided, second chance at resources, second chance at rare spawns… ect.