Layer Hopping now has Internal Cooldown

How does this prevent pvp dodging?

If there are 30 Horde in Redridge killing everyone, you just change layers to avoid them.

That’s not really the PVP dodging people are talking about. That’s an issue sure, but if you’re being chased by someone, you could just join a group and evaporate in front of them. This prevents that if you’ve done some action lately.

Yes, it doesn’t stop you from escaping a layer with unattractive longer-term events on it (PVP or otherwise), but that’s why its a band-aid, not a solution.

Fal doesn’t believe any of the trash he dumps. Just ignore him.


You mean the fun part?


If it was attractive, they wouldn’t be trying to dodge it. I kept the description generic, because people tend not to find the things they like, unattractive, and therefore only jump layers to avoid unattractive events.

It could be that someone is filming a machinima in the area and keeps asking them to get out of the shot while they try to attack them (and the guard patrols are clobbering them).

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They have servers for guys that think like that.

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Provide source or be gone with you wench!

hey blizzard got any of that communication?

Effective public communication from Blizzard? Are you new here? They’ve never been good at that in the 20+ years of experience I’ve had with them.

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Precisely why I made use of the phrase, ‘If true.’

Post 193, for those of us too concerned with demanding Blizzard respond directly to them to actually read the thread.

At least they keep mumbling about working on communication. Once or twice.
They are working a program. They have achieved step 1. Recognizing/Admitting they have a problem.
Now they need to move to step 2. Fixing it. Lol.

OP- Wow. You mean they are really really listening?
Now do we think it’s the repeat threads or the mega threads that made them listen? Or OMG…is it the beta feedback from the streamers? Gasp!!! Omg. It was the streamers saying they will abuse this!
So out with the old cry of exploits. The new cry will be?

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)


LOL, just LOL. The first rule of Blizzard Forums is you don’t speak about forum moderation actions.
2nd rule is clearly personal attacks are likely to have moderation action taken.


Calling out an obvious troll post isn’t a personal attack. Telling people WoW isn’t a PvP game and we should all forget about PvP isn’t even remotely believable. Many of the things Fal says have no truth to them. They’re meaningless. Ergo, trash. Designed by Fal to be that way. This isn’t a personal attack. It’s something he does.

None of this really matters, anyway, so don’t sweat it, fellas.


If this is true, this is one small step in the right direction.

A temporary fix to a temporary problem. This is not something you waste labor hours on. This goes away come phase 2. Unless ofc a majority of the “tourists” become residents. Then we’ve got some new issues. Lol.
So yea. Slap a timer, cap, rested area to hop, or whatever that prevents these “exploits” and pray everyone is right about the tourists only being tourists.
Come phase 2. This should all go away per Blizz…

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It is kind of a good anecdote for right click reporting needing to be axed from Classic, now that I think about it.


It would’ve been easier for you had you just asked what his preferred pronouns were.

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Not that impressive. Couple friends or a couple accounts and bam. You can hide whatever because it’s automated. Only takes a couple clicks.
If i was O’boy. I’d appeal. I’ve seen way worse than that said here. Probably said way worse myself.


But then how would he complain every time PVP came up in a topic?!