Laughing Skull Alliance Reconnections

I believe what Darolant/Sundronez told me on Reddit - a venue where he had no reason to lie or be dishonest. Seriously, is reading not your strong point or something because I’ve said this multiple times (including in the post you’re quoting) and literally pasted his exact comments/confession here.

" [Darolant] 1 point 1 month ago
We would have 1 tank, 2 dps and 2 heal alts. The rest of the raid mains zone out, these alts get the raid lockout. The mains do not get Razer loot until the last clear and the alts get all the razer gear. Then after Razer is dead the mains would zone in and not get a raid lockout but could kill the rest of the 7 bosses because in Vanilla the raid lockout was only tied to a Razer kill. Then we would grab 5 more alts and do this pattern 3-4 more times a week."

"[Darolant]1 point 1 month ago

We did it for a month…It is not like we did it for 6 months… Get your head out of your as*."

Now you claim:

“I can also 100% confirm we did not farm 5 BWLs a week for a month.”

So one of you is either mis-remembering, or not being honest. If I had to put my money on someone it would be the guy posting in a random reddit thread to someone he didn’t know, rather than the guy replying to accusations made on the closest thing to an official LS forum we’ve had in the last 15 years with the aim of salvaging his guilds reputation.


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Thanks for clearing that up.

I’m working with what I remember and let’s say I partied a lot in my late teens/early 20s. I actually think I remember the race and class of every person you are naming which is crazy.

I was in highschool and played 24/7 while I was in DV so we must’ve played together a lot. I was a new recruit and you guys ran me through MC/Ony and I got full epic’ed out that night. I think BWL wasn’t even out at that point or had just released, because going into BWL I was pretty on par with everyone else’s gear.

I don’t know if you remember, but I was one of the many victims of the SotSF curse. (Multiple casters including me received SotSF and soon after quit the guild / game. I quit the game from burnout)

I came back for TBC and went hard on my mage again. I actually ended up getting in contact with an Arms Warrior and Holy Paly that were from DV. We grinded straight to 1800 3s at the start of the first PvP season but I think one of them quit. They were very active PvPers and I can’t remember who they were.

(People feel free to start tagging Ossoi’s posts as trolling, I’ve run out of reports for the day)

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How many IDs? ROFL, probably best not to answer that one

Incredible, whilst I’m not sure what the problem is in discussing something you’ve already admitted to, I guess this is an example of how just like you couldn’t beat me ingame without exploiting, your forum game is equally as weak

darolant from RC? pretty sure i raided my first raids with yall

This is correct. I want to say their name started with an ‘A’ but memory is hazy. Their excuse, IIRC, was that they joined the military and that was the reason for faking their death.

Bargy - TR#1

Haven’t stuck through an expansion or even played since cata, but I’m excited for classic.
If you were horde maybe you’ll recognize yourself in this video (sorry about the quality… this time around they’ll be much better)

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Would have been Darovant at that time but your name rings a bell. Was my warrior alt.

OG survival hunter. /salute

Also, I swear to god I’m going to log in your account and unbind your S key.

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yeah pretty sure it was you. foxter or foxxer maybe was main tank before he bounced lol

There will be a lot less back pedaling this time… :stuck_out_tongue:

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Its so odd that I recognize so many of the Alliance names here, but when I read the Horde side I see almost no one that I know. I played Horde and my only interaction with Alliance players were some P4L people back when I was running around with EG/Baile (and rolling full alliance AQ40 groups without a single death on our side outside the gates!).

Seeing Spyro’s name reminds me of the drama between him and Jersoc on the forums back when we were all leveling up! I can’t believe I remember this stuff (or at least I think I do?)!

Has anyone picked a server for LS people to roll on? I’d love to play on the same server again, not sure what faction or class yet maybe I’ll roll Alliance this time.

Seriously we need to all play on the same server, I mean we have a 1 and 5 chance, and one server is going to be a Brazil server so really 1 and 4 chance we are all playing together anyway.

The server didn’t stay healthy for long after cata, when most people started quitting and ironically when I came back after four years. Horde was dead except for Void and a few Unfadable but the server was dying regardless. I think most of the horde quit in Vanilla except for Unfadable and BBZ since the ratio was solidly 2:1 so it’s not a huge surprise they’re not springing up. I also remember a huge chunk of horde players left to another server only to wind up banned for wallhacking into C’thun’s room.

There were a lot of guild casualties thanks to the carebear approach of initially forcing PK’s to PvE for gear to PvP. WoW was the end of that breed of player sadly.

Oh man the Pals!! I remember how much the server looked up to you guys. Remember when somebody made the spoof

DOOMX showed up like a golden god and settled Southshore vs Tarren Mill

Sup iHide. It’s Tassadank / Gattaca! Playing Classic?

Where all the Spite / Ides of March ppl at? Aurli and Rehgar need to come back!


Everybody was in Edge of Honor at some point. Is Edge re-forming for Classic? If not how will we level?

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What server we all rollin? Rather ppl goin horde or ally i think it be fun messing with eachother again

This is the alliance thread so to see those STUPID BANANA BOYS gotta go to the horde thread lol Remember when the Banana boys got mass banned for glitching to C’Thuun?

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Umm it was Overrated that got banned for hacking the AQ40 map, not BBZ. Just saying…