Laughing Skull Alliance Reconnections

Thank you for calling out my obnoxiousness in the politest way possible.

Can’t believe Onslaught still plays. I see the VANQUISH tag sometimes but assumed it was coincidence.

And someone else said it, but how in the hell after all these years Ossoi still has the same attitude. Lol frozen in time or what

Since we’re dealing in facts, I’m genuinely curious if the guild was funded off Olgal’s botting at the AH. That was the rumor back then anyway, since they made it their job to hold hands and smooch with the auctioneers in IF.

Xzarol here! Human Paladin, part of VANQUISH

He was a comp sci master student(if my memory servers me) who wrote one of the early auction house scanning addons for himself, very early in the game. I am talking before he joined Royal Council. He also made some of the early boss timer mods and other addons that DV used. He spent tonnes of time at the AH but he was always available when ever I messaged him.

Misinformation? I personally didn’t know anything about DV cascading at the time - probably because I had no genuine reason to give two sh*ts about a bunch of rejects from TR/VQ/IE. Seems like i was the only one that didn’t know, lol

Someone from P4L alluded to it on Reddit, and Darolant here (as already mentioned, do keep up) spilled the beans completely when i asked him.

Is it petty to bring it up on here? Perhaps but when people say “DV came from nowhere” then i think people deserve to know the details of how that was accomplished

What’s funnier is watching various DV members attempt to justify it in order to try and salvage their “achievements”, watching geniuses like Sundronez bash TR for being so bad you needed to cheat to beat us and watching you deny the scale of your exploiting.

Who’s lying? You or Darolant?

I’ve already said he was happy to spill the beans and had no reason to lie, whereas you’re clearly trying to save face.

Ahh yes, those 4 Dragons with 3 plate pieces on their loot table. Very effective for gearing up Main Tanks. Whilst there’s a good amount of nature resistance on those plate pieces it’s not like anyone knew before AQ opened that Nature Res was needed. More bullsh*t.

I’ve been playing on a private server since November, in my first game of Arathi Basin I got messaged by a team mate who said he was in VQ on LS and he wasn’t sure it was the same Ossoi until I started telling people where to go and what to do, then he knew for certain, lol.

I’ll take being mentioned on Reddit nostalgia threads years later for “drama” over doing 5+ BWLs every week for a month, lol

Restin - Novus Ordo / In Excelsis, checking in.

Right on, I never spoke to them, not once but they certainly had a reputation for gold-making at the AH. Can certainly appreciate dedication; mine was in PK’ing instead. :wink:

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Yes it was Diskordia, i recruited him to TR but dude just hated Hawthrone from even before WOW and left quickly. Heyyy, weren’t you the dude with a brother in DV and didn’t one of you fake his death? I remember the non stop memes in irc about this and even the funeral we held in Ironforge for tou or your brother.

Funny thing with DV is that the early players during MK’s tenure at GM all were no longer there once the guild became actually elite. The ol’ BBz dudes took over and recycled things quite quickly.

Formerly Brenell of Soldiers for the Cross, Mystic Blade, and now PALS FOR LIFE. I think P4L will most likely end up on Herod for those that want to join us and slay dragons.

Doomx warrior GM Best pvp ever remember me!!

Divine crusade Luger a hunter


aw ya TGP raided with ya’ll end of BC thru all of WoTLK as Konan, was one of the Shadowmourne alums

Where are all the horde? Is Turkmenistan still a country?

I believe Olgal and MK were tight knit with a few other people including Hotchocolate and a few more in Canada. I did raid a lot but I was never an officer or kept in the loop on things like that. I was more just a consistent raider.

That wasn’t me. My brother didn’t play WoW. I do remember that though. If memory serves it was an Australian hunter that was hilarious and played “500 miles” in ventrilo. I believe he went MIA and then we heard he flipped his car and died(?) He then logged in out of nowhere one day. Pretty crazy to lie about your death to get out of raiding. When I burned out I told MK I quit and cancelled my account.

  1. I had a response written but decided stating facts to you doesn’t matter. You will always believe what you already believe and nothing will change your mind. You are clearly having a “who peaked higher in Vanilla WoW” contest and I’m not playing.

  2. Back to the topic at hand. Finding Vanilla Friends.


Olgal, Disk, Kamin, LLewellan, Diego, Circa, myself and about 5 others that names escape me came over from Royal Council when RC was stuck at Rag. We killed it with DV one night right before reset and then all left and joined DV. The funny part was Circa, myself and one hunter from Royal Council were all from Winnipeg Canada and when we joined we found out that MK, HotChocolate and a few others were as well so we had a solid group. Many of that crew burned out after Naxx and into BC. From the WPG RC crew I know Rilnac, Alita, Circa, Chaosmonkey and myself all left to Illidan at the start of BC.


Is everyone playing alliance again? I feel these pvp servers are gonna be horde heavy. It’s gonna be shaman for days.

Half of my friends are split between alliance and horde so I am trying to figure that out.