Laughing Skull Alliance Reconnections

Jarl hit up on discord Este#2137 or battlenet Este#1634 got a bunch of old timers playing hope we can get you on the same server.

Maybe I’ll make a rogue again. I only chose NE originally because I thought it would lead to the demon hunter class. Boy how wrong that was

Also in the manual it said NE had 2 more agility than other races. I thought that would give good edge. Haha

true, so it was the PvP glitch in booty bay that was a few BBZ members if i remember right

Pental Human Rogue. Originally in Team Bujie (spelling? ) until Mitch left and the guild got disbanded and then started Skysthelimit. Played mostly with family: Dad was Lafalcon (warrior), Mom was Jasmirria (priest), Brother was Elkhorns (Pally) and other brother was Shas (Warlock). Seeing a few names here I remember or have heard of while I was playing regularly. Enjoyed world PVP when could. Think Lafalcon and Jasmirria are going to jump on classic at least some, not sure about Shas. Elkhorns passed a few years back.

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Anyone from Sacred here?

Crusadera here, Human 60 Paladin from

We need Darkspeaker to come back to add some flavor.


Oh that staff, I ended up getting the healer dagger from BWL since it dropped all the time. I think we only had 4 of those staffs drop through out all the runs we did. And most of them left shortly after getting them.

Appears the official East Coast PvP server is Herod and the one to avoid is Thalnos for HUEtards. That leaves Fairbanks as the only safe-zone from streamers and Brazilians; anything else is a gamble. I’ve never played with streamers so I have no idea the pros/cons, but I have played with South Americans. 10/10 would choose anything to avoid them.

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Anything but Brazilians.

I feel like no one is talking about Whiteman and Herod is gonna be overpopulated as F.

The worst part is the streamers will go on which ever server they all can get their name on. So we are almost handcuffed by them picking first.

Streamers should main PvE servers because there is already anti-streamer groups dedicated to killing them. Like those Dwarf rogues lol.

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I can’t make Spyro on any of the beta servers, this name must be forbidden now, wonder if because of the Spyro game remakes that just came out. Oh and they had all those Spyro toys with the microchips on them that were huge in 2013 nooooo just realizing this noooooo

Amazing games btw.

Herod might be a good bet however, since after the rush and filthy casuals that can’t hang, there will be a solid backbone to the server. Not saying it’s the best choice because anything can happen (see Archimonde server), just going off past experience with long-term. Fairbanks is the only safe bet of no Brazilians, no Streamers, and a strong guild lineup from what is being thrown around. I’m leaning towards the latter.

Day one is gonna suck anywhere, but two months down the road is where it will matter most.

I doubt they’ll announce where they rolled until people see them on the server. That would be the respectful thing to do and they already declared two they would positively not roll on and people are going to reserve their names anyway, so it’s unlikely they’re going to use any of their streamer names.

It’s rumored they’re going Faerlina but it’s all guessing. All I know is we’re limited to reserving 3 character names per account so if you’re like me and want a few names on a single server, we have under 7 hours to decide before stuff gets scooped up.

The RP servers always have good communities. And good world pvp events. Might be worth looking into

Blondi < Deus Vox > here


I remember you - I was Roiduil NE Druid or Royi Gnome Rogue, was in Stomgarde Militia for the majority of my vanilla time (before I left for Death Before Dishonor). Otherwise you would likely remember my friend Campy (gnome mage).

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Start of Vanilla era:

Acasti - NE Rogue

Part of Dark Legion guild IIRC.


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