Last minute Mage Tower removal is in bad taste

I do. You made plans, you the mage tower went down and you were unable to complete what you wanted. Was it last minute? Maybe. Does life happen, absolutely. It’ll be there its coming back. It’s just not something to get this worked up about to post.

Does Mage Tower even do anything if you complete it now? I thought the tmog you get from it was removed

While most specs didn’t receive anything new, most specs have received a new combination of abilities that result in a much different performance profile. For example, feral druid is gaining access to three legendary effects and not needing to pick between Bloodtalons, Moment of Clarity, and Feral Frenzy, all without the 10 extra talent points going from 60 to 70. None of those abilities I mentioned are new, but having more than one legendary and potentially all abilities from the previous level 50 talent row is. And that’s to say nothing of the reworked Sabertooth, gaining the ability to choose Lunar Inspiration as a talent, much higher resource generation and a CD greatly improving our cycle time.

It’s fine if you think they should’ve put more effort into balancing MT for the new talent trees sooner. It’s fine if you think Blizzard should just let us take potentially broken characters into MT since that can be a fun time. But any argument that the balance itself is fine because most of the talents are things that have existed in the game in the past is simply wildly inaccurate.

been available for months and people wait until blizzard could have messed up things for them to do it. Then they actually can make a thread complaining about this.


then I guess we should all have that achievement…

like I seriously don’t understand why so many people want a participation trophy.

How is a 3 day “heads up” a maybe to you ?

One of the most complained about with Blizzard is poor communications, are some of you still at the apologia stage on this point ?


You said you made plans for several. Thus you did not earn what you wanted. Stuff happens guy. What it boils down to is there was a problem with the MT and they had to take it down and it interrupted your plans. Big whoops. They are not disrespecting us by taking it down 3 days before Pre-patch. Honestly You should have expected it because balance is such an obvious reason.

You’ll be ok. I promise.

Yall think because we pay 15$ a month that were gods or something. As someone who works in customer service and has to deal with people like you, believe me it is exhausting. Both planned and unplanned things happen. Get used it man.

Are you everyone’s dad?
You gonna tell us how we should manage our time around the 3 pillars of content?
Even in a 4th season which is more of an experiment/gimme?
Do you know how many MT challenges I’ve completed already? Probably no, right?

So not everyone pays a sub to just troll forums on alts like you.
Not everyone has been around as per the WoW exodus which is why the MT was implemented.
Some people do a lot of cool stuff in-game and get much more out of the game than you.

But go off about how everyone should play like you, queen.

People waiting till the last minute then get all surprised and shook when things happen are my favorite. Thats on you OP.

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What last minute ?

The content was made permanent in April. No one knew it was going to be removed until last Friday.

How is that waiting until the last minute ?

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Anyone would expected the MT to go down. I mean cmon think about it. Legendaries and talents are working together in prepatch. It’s unbalanced. The new Talent trees are live, thats unbalanced. Everything is gonna be unbalanced and the rewards frm MT are supposed to be a challenge. It was gonna go down. It’s obvious.

Best part is its coming back!

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And ?

Already was. Compare Arms to Havoc.


That “balanced” ship sailed long ago.

Thats on you

Thats my entire arguement. Your response is and?

Some are easier than others sure. Thats to be expected

Just because one person does this does not equal the rest of the playerbase doing this. Thats a crap arguement.

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That’s on Blizzard actually. Poor communication.

My response is there was nothing balanced about the current Mage Tower to begin with. Some specs are free, others require godly amount of focus.

Which tosses your whole schtick out the window.

Gear is equalised, all borrowed power turned off.

Anyone pressing the same buttons he did in the same order he did will do this. You could probably make a /castsequence macro called “36 second Arcane Mage BTFO”.

Anyone spouting the “Balanced” and “challenging” line at this point IRT Mage Tower is just grasping at straws that aren’t even there anymore, the ship sailed and is so far out it’s reached the New world.

He’s trolling man. He showed he didn’t even read the post.

I half expected since I covered all the bases, that “yOu ShOuLd HaVe KnOwN” was going to be the trolly narrative, when apparently Blizz didn’t even know :joy:
Us, the paying player base are suppose to be omniscient. That’s the way of the forum troll like this sorry sod.

Thanks for the bumps I guess though :man_shrugging:t5:

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Then why aren’t we all clearing Mythic then?

Because there’s more to Mythic raiding that doing an opener while standing very still.

Yall aren’t arguing honestly. You are pretending there aren’t nuances in MT and that there is indeed more to the MT just like Mythic Raiding. Heres my parting gift. Take some self responsibility.

I wouldn’t call 36 seconds vs 4+ minutes a nuance man.

Imagine defending poor Blizzard communication and then telling everyone else to take “responsibility”.

Blizzard should heed your advice.


nothing you’ve said is applicable. Take care.