Blizz mentioned they are temporarily removing their “newly permanent content”, the Mage Tower(MT) challenge at the final hour before reset. This is yet another example of having no respect for the players.
My weekend was scheduled like a normal adult. There isn’t much to do during xpac pre-patches, so I made plans to do several MT challenges during the pre-patch down time with the new talent trees.
Yes, in addition to Hpaly interrupt, the DF talent trees will have some legendary effects making MT difficulty closer to Legion days, so I understand revisions being considered.
But Blizz couldn’t tell us they’re removing MT much sooner than the last possible weekend before pre-patch reset? I can’t even find the blue post on the MMO-C main page; there’s people who give MT a college try here or there who still don’t know.
I’m sure the in-game decision makers think this is super funny, showing us all the new ways we can min/max MT with DF talent trees, then taking that away without notice until they re-add it down the road with a higher difficulty(again).
As a long time professional, I often shake my head at Blizz employees actively deciding to make so many unprofessional decisions.
Maybe someone just forgot? “oh, what about MT with these talents?” Okay. Do you not have project managers? Do you not have teams and spreadsheets that cover content space like this? Does anyone have the passion for their game to even care anymore? Become professionals.
Yea, I’m sure blizz makes a tonne of scratch being the most populated cash shop MMO on the market, capitalizing on addiction, the human condition- no judgement there, it’s a business. But just imagine how much MORE money, and a more healthy/diverse player-base Blizz could bring back/bring in if they just made customer service based decisions with the player experience in mind.
Like, how am I suppose to sell this game to my friends beyond taking advantage of them being bored and into trying games?
Anyways, The Broken Shore/MT area was packed this weekend, and even though I had virtually no time to do MT, I did earn another MT transmog; so somehow I’ve won this time.