Last minute Mage Tower removal is in bad taste

Not in the least. You said something, and still haven’t answered the question with anything but this. Alright, don’t answer it. I’ll chalk it up to whatever I want at that point.

I’m not defending them. And to think individuals do not exist within the company, is just silly. There are people hard at work doing what they can to make things right. And i’m sure there are people there just collecting a check, not giving a damn. Lets hope they find those useless bastards and weed them out so in the end we get something we can all appreciate. I mean, it took 12 years but they’re finally giving us some semblance of a talent tree again.

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Then you can stop replying to me and move on with your afternoon, good day.

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You need help dude. Therapy might work. I’ll do just as you asked, and move on.

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Now you’re just breaking the CoC and using inappropriate insults.

aww, c’mon guys- you both have bad takes, let’s move on :sweat_smile:

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It doesn’t change the actual MT content. Same challenge.

We knew on Friday so people could mess with it over the weekend. It’s not perma gone. Y’all will survive.

Nobody knows if there will be reward changes, although Blizz hasn’t suggested that this time around- they’ve only mentioned tuning. It’s not unreasonable to say they could bring the weapons back, or recolours, or anything else they want.

he knows, he’s just here to troll.

Funny, his take here is a 180 from his take in the announcement 2 hours ago :

Wonder what changed his mind.


All I remember from DS PvP is big truck

*She. And there’s nothing to troll. They tried to get it fixed, couldn’t, and told us before the weekend. Better than telling us tomorrow. THAT is last minute.

I’ll bet half the people complaining never even planned to do it in the first place.

The biggest issue? When is it actually returning. Because they claimed “soon” on so many other things and never followed through.

Y’all are complaining about the wrong issue concerning the MT.

I would say that it is actually harder. But that is a different conversation.

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Not sure what ‘big truck’ means. But when you’re on your way somewhere, fighting mobs and what not and someone spawns in… You hear that creepy spawn in noise, and go on the hunt. Pray to kill the mob before you get double teamed by him and the mob.

Apologies- *She is just here to troll.

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pvp tank. it basically was a meme in the community for a bit like a decade ago IIRC. a quick youtube search should pull it up.

If I recall it was that huge heavy duty armor and huge club weapon. And they would spam emotes lol.

I was able to kill them on more than one occasion. But if they hit me, i was stun locked forever. Until I had that wolves shield. Then it was game over. :slight_smile:

I see you have no intention of having a conversation. You’re the one who is trolling. Thanks for the hilarious hypocrisy there.

Back on topic… I think people need to focus on the when it’s coming back and not the telling us last minute.

that’s the one.

Being the truck was quite fun whenever you ran into people without the shield. Literally slow walking like a horror villain and the fact that it worked made it… amusing.

IIRC Even against people with the shield I found that it could be quite a close match based on location and stuff like that.

Yes because how dare people criticize a corporation that has a history of poorly communicating things for poorly communicating something, based on the flawed premise that challenge that is inexistent should be preserved.

I mean, we wouldn’t want any Arcane Mages bursting it down in 30 seconds instead of 36.


This is the dumbest take I’ve seen in awhile

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