Mage Tower Extended Maintenance

It’s a lot harder than it ever was in legion. I have not finished tank one but was close to, and it took me about 6 mins to get past p1 and enter p2. In 7.2 using Nighthold gear, 6 mins is what it took me to handle both p1 and p2 together.

There’s zero doubt that Mage Tower its a lot harder than it was back in legion, and i think that defeats the point of timewalking. It should try to match the difficulty of people with nighthold mythic gear(the highest available when it relesed), because they are a lot longer and more difficult than they were ever in legion. I don’t think the argument is that “nobody can complete it”, its that “its a lot harder than it ever was in legion even when you were just using nighthold gear”. You shouldn’t be forced to use dedicated gear sets just to be able to do it in a sort-of reasonable difficulty curve(and even with that gear in question,its still harder in many places compared to legion).


HI. Not sure is in the convo here but i wANTED to point out some bugs. if you go back in old Khara and try to complete the quests, and you have …lets say a +17 UK key…you cant do anything, they will send you in library. happened to you guyus? i believe is a bug

Guardian is neither the toughest for tank (that would be blood), nor is it the toughest challenge even (probably Xylem, but also depends on spec/challenge). Guardian is very middle of the pack as far as difficulty is concerned.
The only reason Guardian is talked about more is because it is the popular reward (the felbear), so naturally people will complain the loudest for a reward they’re unwilling to put work towards.


Hopefully we see Evokers added to the challenges, though it’s understandable if the turnaround on a new transmog set isn’t that quick.

Sort of. This is the kind of thing folks would do between seasons though.

So I guess it is a good thing some of the seasonal rewards have been extended for the duration of pre-patch. Otherwise there would be very little to do.

So right up there with grey/white transmog, artifact illusions and the Warlords armor, eh?


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wanted to pop in and say thank you :100: :+1: :+1:

Remembering these little things goes a long way, and leaving the Mage Tower in a state where specs will be gaining more utility options and baseline accessible “borrowed” effects as opposed to level cap like conduits, legendaries, etc would not really preserve its challenge given they were all fully tuned with them disabled in mind.

Anyone who has done at least around half of them on all roles all varities of challenges will know they properly tuned most of them around lack of “borrowed power” so long as you use your whole kit and use a proper tactic, despite the very strange common knowledge on the forums being “these are hard because we lost borrowed power”. Some were justifiably nerfed, such as Nether Horrors wind-up cast on Guardian challenge, and the above + nerfs that did go through made it truly seem like the developers do in fact know much more about the game than the players give them credit, period.

And this solidifies that, thank you.

Will throw in a, please consider doing this for all brawler’s guild fights too :wink: with some of the past rewards which were stated to become unobtainable kept that way, but some of the other recurring rewards could make a comeback as well as some new ones.

Would be sweet to have a tuned down to the wire version of every existing fight for some kind of completely new Brawler themed reward.

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Will you be keeping the transmogrification sets from Shadowlands when re-enabled? I really want the Warrior one, but your OP doesn’t mention if they are staying or if I only have ~18 hours left to get them ever.

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-make druid alt
-Exp lock it at level 45
-Spend past 4 weeks grinding out “optimal” ilvl 50 slotted gear so I can even begin to dream of the felbear form
-Just need a decent belt and I can move onto the challenge, heck yeah
-Read this post just now

Fml lmao

Not really. If it is tuned so only the top 1% of players are able to do it, then it isn’t giving many players something to do during slow periods.

Presumably nothing is changing in this regard (as nothing specifically has been stated to the contrary) but could we please get confirmation that the Spelltome mount will remain as the reward for completing each of the seven challenges post maintenance?

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are the rewards staying?

Something to try at least.

Overtuning is its own thing. I meant, something non-seasonal to work on, since everything else is tied to the season.

It makes sense to disable this until it can be re-balanced for the new talents… but why couldn’t you have given us more than 3 days notice about this? Was it a last minute decision?

It was completely out of balance in beta, new 70 scaling messed a lot up.

Its not a matter of prepatch was gong to make things easier… prepatch was going to make it impossible

I’m glad that they removed it. They should remove items every expansion. Like plaque ptoto drake. Mage tower. AQ mount. Etc.

I say that as someone that wants a few more old mage tower transmogs and I don’t have the plague proto.

It makes me realize that walking away for extended time has its consequences. I feel that dedicated players should earn long lasting rewards.

They should never remove anything, in my opinion.


Oh my, I didn’t expect that

I figured they wouldn’t do any squishes of any kind and that kits are just similar to SL but a bit more stuffed at level 70 with full talents. But I haven’t been following it much for lack of interest.

On the bright side, unintentionally impossible for a short time is preferrable to unintentionally easy, assuming the challenges are ultimately readjusted to stay just that - challenges.

I disagree, this would be a bad route to take for some short-term enjoyment or satisfaction of players at the cost of the game’s integrity in the long run, and a lot of these cosmetic rewards are completely logical to go away: PvP rating-based/seasonal-themed stuff, promotions, etc.

Seasonal rewards are nice, if they stress you greatly, it’s something you need to work on and not the game. It’s affected/stressed me out in the past, personally, but it’s really the best solution. Being told “No” and learning to move on is healthiest.

Thankfully not a worry either way with the ToS recolor MT sets since, and judging by how closely they tuned most of them the first time around, these might become regularly available to try for if they continue to do well in adjusting them all to appropriate difficulty.

It has nothing to do with stress, but if you want to play armchair psychologist that’s up to you. I just don’t think that they should remove content from the game. I’ve always felt this way.


That’s fine, and I’ll always disagree, your idea is bad for the long term.