As your learning the mechanics, it makes you want to throw a controler or mouse throught the tv or monitor. But once you’re on point with the fight mechanics, you’re a demi-god.
DS3 is the best of the original trilogy. Elden Ring is the best version so far in the franchise. It is only as hard as you want it to be. You can play summoner and cheese it 0 death, or you can play naked dagger man hardcore mode, and anything in between.
I am kinda worried they’re gonna overbuff stuff. Or worse, limit our builds to only the talents we’d have at level 45. The Mage Tower in legion was great because it gave you incentive to actively play alts, to get gear for them to overcome the challenges. I hope they rebalance the Mage Tower around level 70 and turn off gear scaling, giving us a challenge we can overcome with gearing like we could in Legion.
Remember when they buffed Raest to have about triple his HP compared to Legion, and some classes literally did not have any slows they used to have anymore ? Remember when players discovered they could max range the enrage and just slow burn him ?
Now Raest swims.
Blizzard doesn’t take kindly to some specs figuring out how to have as easy a time as Arms Warrior, Vengeance Demon Hunters and Arcane Mages.
Demon souls and dark souls are fantastic games, period. They make you think for yourself and your survival. Very little in game guides you through all of it. And dark souls especially opened up the sand box a lot. The map eventually interconnects, and you see how and why. But you literally have to discover it.
Fantastic games. Dark souls II and III took the difficulty to another level, because learning the mechanics, didn’t mean jack to some extent. The AI too would change up attacks and decimate you. Or you’d end up commiting suicide on accident or something. Resetting the rage.
Awesome games, period. Dark souls had high replayability too - and intuitive PVP aspects. Read up on it, you might dig it. And it’s available for PC now for a few years.
With all that’s happened at blizzard over the last two years. Take a deep breath, relax. All in good time man. Turnover there was getting crazy up until recently. I think things are stabalizing, they might be back to getting it done.
Like seriously, does it physically hurt anywhere whenever someone criticizes a billion dollar company you don’t even work for ?
Blizzard promised a lot of things in 2004 about WoW that ended up on the cutting room floor. Every expansion comes with its lot of promises they just fail to keep because of lack of time and ressources.
Calm down my dude, we’re allowed to point out the facts.
If you don’t like it, there’s the Ignore function. Use it liberally.