Setherak use the Worgen model, but I really dont think we’re getting Setherak, as fun as it would be to have them kinda as a counterpart to Vulpera.
The way things played out, it wouldn’t really work for them to join the Alliance :C Which would really be fun to have them there for the whole ‘opposite’ thing.
I am also doubtful they would show up on Horde.
The fact that they can use Heart of Azeroth animations though is really bizarre.
But yeah, my vote WOULD HAVE BEEN Setherak for the Worgen Rig if things hadn’t had played out the way they did.
The fact that they have a Heart of Azeroth animation tells me they were either considered for one of the allied races to be or that that’s still a possibility and they just haven’t gotten around to it or it was shuffled up to be at a later date due to reason x or y
Drakonid or Saurok are my picks, prefer Drakonid to go Alliance and Saurok to go Horde, but really, just want an option with scaled skin to be playable.
I would call for san’layn for undead and sethrak for worgen. I know sethrak at Alliance side would need a ‘plot twist’, but these two races would really ‘hype’ wow’s community.
Some calls saberon, but I really don’t see how they would join the worgens or why. They don’t really have nothing with us and with bfa overall.
For pandaren, how about a neutral allied race. We are in peace after all? (maybe not for so long). Mogu or tortollan would fit well.
You know Jaina recruits the kul’tirans, right? And they are humans… So… They are the human allied race, isn’t it?
And why human allied race should be high elf?
Coulda swore it was Genn. Been a while since I did it.
Why not? Helves live with Humans.
My obsession with helves is to see them added so I can start hoping for Wildhammers, because once we get another round of elves we’re firmly in the second wave of ARs, and Wildhammers got passed up in the first wave for Dark Irons, who are admittedly cool, but they’re not Wildhammers.
I respect your opinion, I just got to say… Don’t worry, be happy! You got us for alliance elves allied race! The ren’dorei much more better than he! We have void portals
The velves are a constant never-ceasing disappointment. I was sold for a race that’d be taking the fight to the void, or studying the power of the void as it cropped up to better protect the Alliance and what not. So far, we’ve missed just about every opportunity in BFA the velves could’ve had to shine…
Ulduar: The velves could’ve been the Alliance’s introduction to the raid, since we only really had Brann again. Don’t get me wrong, Brann is cool, but it would’ve been nice for the velves to be the ones to alert us to the threat and convince us to take action.
Gift of N’Zoth: A chance to remove the Gift of N’Zoth and show how far the velves have come in their studies, to be able to remove such corruption. Instead, a human shaman does it.
Naz’jatar: Bad enough that the nelves took a backseat on the major Azshara patch, but we could’ve at least had Umbric and the velves studying the way the naga use the void, or perhaps capturing samples of the mind squids for study.
Curing the Whispers: Wrathion finds a cure for the whispers of the void in the archives of Karazhan. Really? He couldn’t at least have devised that potion in part with HELP from the velves who constantly struggle with the whispers?
Patch 8.3: So far, we don’t have any indication that the velves are going to play even so much as a minor role. The most we see of them is in one of N’Zoth’s Visions, and they’ve all succumbed to the whispers in it!
Seriously, Velves are a major disappointment to me. I’d rather have had helves if it was always the plan for the Alliance’s elf AR to do nothing more than be the Horde’s fodder for Incursion WQs.