Lag/Jittering with every quest hand-in/Level up

There is no official fix. There have been replies from Blues, only stating they are working on it or its high priority. How much of that you choose to believe up to you.

There is a better workaround I found using Windows Controlled Folder Access. Meaning you no longer need to modify permissions ever again, while using the Bnet app to launch the game. Then when the fix comes out, you can revert changes. That reply is here.

Give us another update please. I refuse to pay 15 a month for a game that cannot run smoothly and the lack of communication is really upsetting me.

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With this and the quest log wiping glitch from over a year ago, Blizzard’s got two strikes in my book. One more of these and I’m done.

865 replies in and still no fix. I don’t even want a fix though, at this point. I just wanna be told it’s being worked on and if there’s any form of progress. This is highly disappointing.


Well I have seen blues respond to other threads here so surely they are aware and “working” on it.

It is really worrisome that this issue persists on the PTR despite this thread. I am starting to wonder if they are doing anything at all…

I have been fighting the urge “to be that guy” that asks for compensation for this issue, but my patience is running out. I pay for my sub with gold from retail, which I refuse to play atm with this bug. I get I can do the workaround, but without their approval of the workaround it makes me nervous.

In all seriousness, I very disappointed by this situation and the way it is being handled.

Sooooooooo…any news yet before my PC goes to fry?

This is crazy how much longer is it going to be and i have to say we should get some free game time over this.

I want free game time for this can not play this game when it lags turning in a quest.

yeah i kinda stopped playing after reading what it does to my hardware lol

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What is it doing?

Posting really quick to say issue is still here, and still exists…

almost 2/3 weeks later…


I am having this issue too. Its so annoying. Ive never had this before. Only started a few weeks ago. Every time I get XP or hand in a quest, there is a 2-3 second window where the game freezes and I get 0 FPS.

What the heck is going on?


Wanted to stay positive with the crap Blizzard is going through but upon seeing still no fix and they are “working” on it has me wondering why stay positive.

I use the work around but it gets old and tiresome having to remember to make these changes and with Vulpera on the PTR I so want to play but this also screws the PTR up and no the work around doesn’t work on PTR that I know of I tried but the game doesn’t load.

We need to know if this is indeed high priority as they claim or if they are just pulling our chains and to remind those in here when the blue does respond treat them with same respect you would treat your mother or father.

Don’t make it harder for them and we wonder why they never talk to us hell even I wouldn’t talk to a bunch of rude players who constantly berated them.

The workaround no longer works for me still get some slight lag with quest turn-ins. My computer also started to slow down in general dramatically. I ran a fix-it tool and is back to normal performance not sure if it’s related to playing the game or the workaround or just random. Really disappointed was excited to get into this game but it’s too much hassle to play. They need to give compensation. We pay to play this game monthly and so far I haven’t been able to even play half of the free 30 days I got for buying BFA. Smh :anger: :rage:


This is so bush league.

wowwwww …this has been going on this long???

Ok, the stuttering is happening for me basically everywhere. I was told by a tech to try the repair but said there were no files that needed repairing.

Maybe, re-allocate some of the server space you took and gave to classic back to the people who play retail? :crazy_face:


edit: my main is on Thrall – forums picked a random character to post with

Beautiful. I saw them live earlier in the year. 11/10 show.

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I keep coming to this thread hoping I can undo the workaround. But it seems I must keep it in place. Bad juju.

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This is really annoying, it’s happening to me too, I’ve repaired the files, “none needed repairing”, I’ve uninstalled and reinstalled, got rid of all my addons, nothing helps! Please fix this!


How hard could it be to fix this? You are telling me they cannot put this file as “read only” on their end of things? Should this not be the easiest thing to fix ever? Why do we even need this amount of excessive writes to our drives anyways?

Apathy and incompetence is what is going on here. Going on almost 3 weeks…