Lag/Jittering with every quest hand-in/Level up

They don’t view us as customers anymore. We’re just a number… Also off topic but you need to transmog! :stuck_out_tongue:

Still having the issue after today´s patch.

Still having the stuttering when turning in quests. :confused:

Thats one of my horde toons that i havent played in months lol

go into the WoW folder, open the logs folder in the retail folder.

right click on the Hotfix and Tooltip files and select “Properties” and click on “Read Only” and hit “Apply”

you’ll have to launch WoW from the retail folder instead of the launcher itself…you’ll have to enter your login info every time (unless you’re like me and you click “Remember Account Name”, then it’s just the password) and you should be fine…so long as you don’t open the launcher.

whenever Blizz does maintenance or “hotfixes”, you can attempt to update and launch via the launcher…if it still lags, go back and do this “quick fix” again, and just hope for the best for future updates.

Did the restart. Game still hasn’t stopped lagging.

Thank you for finally being active in the thread, though. Pass the word on to your coworkers that we appreciate communication.


i don’t have the pause <15 to 30 sec> when the file Hotfix.log is read only .is Blizzard to myopic to make that file to read only and stop the Battle net Launcher from modifying the game files… so the problem is not our computers but Blizzards game files. i do play on a laptop that is way below the Minimum Requirement for running WoW CPU N3350 HD Graphics 500 4096MB RAM Wi-Fi only no RJ45 socket

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Yeah, the freezing is not as bad as before but still happens. Just like you’d asked I’ve restarted my PC and undid the workaround before trying.

Just for clarification when I said not as bad as before I mean that before was like 4 seconds straight of freezing and now is like 2 or 3 seconds. Still happening, still bad tho.

Same here. Issues persist after the patch and following all directions. Going to continue to use workaround when playing.

Thanks so much everyone for trying it out and following up with your reports! Relaying this forward and we’ll provide any updates when available!


Issue is still happening. I guess the techies at blizzard truly are clueless. This is deplorable Blizzard. This is a serious bug that has gone unchecked for way to long. Shortening our HDD / SSD lifespan is a serious issue, and I dont think you guys understand that.

Another low-point in a year of low-points. Blizzard you are sinking and losing respect fast.


Same here. The issue persists and is extremely annoying.

Still continues. Keeping hotfix/tooltip on read-only still fixes everything for me.

Thanks bro. This worked!

I restarted my pc and did as you asked…still the same issue for me :persevere:

Nothing was fixed for me, still just as bad as it was before.


The workaround will work for now until they can fix it

THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE. It has been a week since the error appeared in the game and you haven’t been able to fix it. I AM PAYING TO PLAY NOT FOR A BUG. :rage:

World of Bug!

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Also having this issue-only in Retail. Please keep working on a fix.

I reverted the changes. Restarted Windows. Let the Battlenet app update. Restarted Windows. Launched the game from the Battlenet app. It is still occurring. So back to the work around.

Good Day.