I try this WA and work perfectly, ty!, hoping Blizzard can make a real fix for this is really anoying.
I’m not sure why, but this work around also fixed a weird issue I’ve been having since BFA came out. When I’d hover over a world quests that awarded Artifact Power, my FPS would start to drip from like 60 to around 45 until I moved my mouse off it.
Something is fishy with one of their logs and I haven’t ran the game this great since… well, forever! Even though it takes like 5 seconds each time I want to play it, even if they fix it, I’ll probably still do it if it makes the game run this nice.
Also fixed the issue if a frame stutter when NPC’s would start a conversation that was voice acted.
Mine isn’t that bad.
Two questions: Are you on a gaming computer of any kind? Have you filed a report to Blizzard?
That sounds to me like your situation is worse than the rest of ours.
Really good answer, that guy is probably trolling tho. I’ve said before those kind of guys just enjoy to make us mad. Your answer was perfect and flawless, but he’ll probably find a way to come back here and make his particular trolling show again using a straw man or ad hominem someone.
That worked. Thanks.
“Dude” I was replying to Mistybaby. She said she had a ticket open, and Blizzard is making her troubleshoot on HER end. And if you read the first blue post in this thread all the suggestions were to reset this or that on OUR end. There was no acknowledgment from Blizzard saying that they screwed something up.
I remember when they would actually talk to you. Now, you’re lucky if you don’t get a copy paste response that has literally everything wrong from your name, your class, and the issue you were having.
uh, no Helkor, yes it is. people already came up with the fix which you just need to edit the change log. 5 days should be more than enough for any team of devs to fix an issue like that.
This is still a problem. I have my paladin alt in Legion right now. Every time I turn in a quest or open a chest or anything else, there is a slight lag, maybe one second or so. Also, the Derick Proudmoure cinematic skipped (the first one, which involved the war chief, but oddly not the second one involving Baine).
Changing the hotfix log to read only fixed the lag/freeze for me too. I’ve had no issues with dungeons or quests since doing that.
I love how Blizzard has not said anything here in several days now. Thanks blues.
Still freezing, still bugging, still annoying : /
That’s a big, hard rock that GM lives under : /
My hotfix file was already set to read-only, oddly. Changing the tooltip file fixed most of the problem for me. Still experiencing a second or two freeze when turning in quests but my hard drive isn’t acting like its going to have a heart attack. At this stage, I’m not expecting an official fix for this until Tuesday. Hopefully?
Is there seriously still no official fix to this? It makes playing extremely annoying.
Same here, it looks like sys is calculating the level and exp.
The reddit fix over at,
dose work it just makes logging in annoying as you have to do it the old way, far as setting the hotfix.log to not be readable by anything it rly dose not matter long as the launcher is running when you completely leave the game you will have an “update” aka it plays god and reverts the file despite not have permissions.
From what I under stand its the game writing to the file so fast that its giving your system a stroke. Not a super PC guy but that cant be good for the hard dive.
Blizzard: Don’t use the player-found workaround, it’s bad!
Also Blizzard: We’re not gonna fix it ourselves tho.
How is this STILL not fixed? How is it that the player-recommended solution DOES fix this albeit temporarily and you cannot find a fix for this yourselves yet?
Player workaround is viable. CLOSE THE GAME, set hotfix.log to read only and then open the game in non-admin mode from the .retail folder. Lag/freeze stops on kill/loot, just verified it myself.