Lag/Jittering with every quest hand-in/Level up

I’m on it, guys.

Problem is still present, just tried turning in a quest.


nope, not fixed.

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Bug is still present as of 9:40 MST 9/27/2019, even after the small update.

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I’m having the same issue.

Aw, that sucks. Thank you for trying, though. :frowning:

And you think to fix anything is easy? Blizzard is not a ROBOT… there are humans working on this, it takes time… even more in a game like WoW.


It takes 5 days to fix their game over writing to a change log file? Idk, in 2019 that’s kinda weird.


It’s been three days. Someone else already pinpointed the issue. They still have not fixed it even though they caused it and supposedly have a full team on it (which are failing hard right now).

Robots, no… but this is ridiculous.


Same issue

Yeah, they are humans, and humans who do a bad or lazy job usually are fired. Hence why we as consumers may complain within reason. Lucky them not being robots tho, otherwise they would probably be disassembled at this point.


I’ve had this problem since the 8.2.5 patch. It seems to work just about anywhere.
Turn ins. Mob kills. When you loot. Sometimes even just at random
The lag has gotten so bad that twice it has frozen my pc completely so i had to reset it painfully. I do have a relatively slow drive if that helps in any way.

Honestly it’s not even about fixing it right away that’s unacceptable. Sure I want it fixed asap. I am mostly upset by the lack of communication from Blizzard. They should be commenting here to try and reassure people. There’s someone who literally thinks their GPU got fried by this bug and it has a lot of folks worried to play. That’s a reason to chime in… If anyone at Blizz is paying attention to this please do chime in. I am going to try the work around today if it’s not fixed because I am worried my computer will end up being fried due to this issue.


That’s what I keep saying…the complete lack of communication is just poor customer service. I realize the Blues who post here may not know anything until they are told by the techs or whomever is in charge, but they are the go-betweens for us. To simply leave us hanging with no reassurances, etc. is just unacceptable.

I decided to try the workaround as Shadowgarde suggested - set the hotfix.log file to “Read Only” in the retail/logs folder, and then launching from the executable in the retail folder does work. If you launch from Battlenet app, I think the change will be reverted back to default.

This is only a temporary fix, and Blizzard had better figure out wtf they did and actually FIX it.


So I’ve also been getting random interface lag for a while now (probably since the 8.2.5 patch). I made Hotfix.log read only, which eliminated the post-combat, etc lag disappear. (Thanks!)

On a hunch, I looked for other things in the log folder that were growing in quick jumps, and found that Tooltip.log was doing the same thing… Made it read only, and now everything is running smoothly… I don’t freeze when mounting in a new zone, my interface windows don’t take 3-4 seconds to load their art, etc.


I just bought the game a week ago. Because of everything I read because of this bug, I haven’t been able to enjoy the game and I have stopped playing for fear that this bug will damage my computer. It really bothers me the lack of communication from Blizzard. I have noticed that it only happens in the retail version, since in the classic version this bug doesn’t exist. I regret buying this game. :persevere:


Same issue here.

Happens when looting chests, killing named WQ targets, and turning in quests.

The problem is we have to do external things to fix this issue instead of blizzard


Tried your fix, game is running better than it ever has before. Thanks!

Should not have to play around with files like this. Chances are they will eventually correct the issue and then the “fix” will conflict with that and fork things up even more. Fix it Blizzard.