Lag/Jittering with every quest hand-in/Level up

Another thing I noticed after patch 8.2.5 is that the loading screens are changing tones (sometimes brighter, sometimes darker) as if they were flashing.


Come on… ¡fix it!

Same kind of thing happening with me, both yesterday and today, short freeze of my game immediately upon kills resulting in either drop or quest completion.

Add me to this list as well.

Me as well since patch day.

Party sync is the culprit. When you turn in a quest with party sync no problem. But when you are solo its broke.


I’m right there with everyone else. Don’t matter if addons are on or off, and it doesn’t matter if War Mode is on or off. Its busted for Quests, Level Up, Achievements Notifications, Elite Kills, and Boss Kills. It is a dud right now, but for me its been this way since before 8.2.5 dropped, around the time of the pre-patch download. It just feels clunky and annoying.

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Start happening since Tuesday after 8.2.5. Fix it please don’t tell your customers to reset reboot refresh delete etc… i turned off all addons and it is still happening every time a WQ a completed, a rare killed, dailies turned in, it is very frustrating.

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I have it happening regardless of activity. Just sitting on my mount in mid air, idle and it’s happened. It’s not game breaking, but man is it annoying and triggering my ocd.


Time to roll back Party-Sync then. Another example of a feature released too early and not tested properly.


Yep! I had a post about party sync being the issue, but it got buried. Blizzard needs to acknowledge this. Party sync is a neat feature, but at this point it’d be better to not have it and not have the lag issue.


Day 3 of this annoying lag…

Please just fix this before the weekend or else it probably wont get fixed until Tuesdays reset. I know your patterns of fixing bugs.

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Seems worse now. It’s doing it on rare occasion when I’m just standing there or just running from one location to another. Still with the quest problem too. Not EVERY quest but a lot of them. This time I’m on a new dwarven DK.


I am not sure if it is just party synch. It’s happening to me either way. It happens solo or sync’d. I can be in group or out doing my own thing and there is no differense in game response.


I’m having a similar problem, lag/freeze whenever I complete a quest plus random lags/freezes at semi-regular intervals just going around the world. I’ve experienced this in Nazjatar, Elwyn Forest, Durotar and Hellfire Peninsula in Outlands…generally wherever I go the lag follows. My computer’s brand new and I’ve not had this problem before the latest patch at all.


As of 4:28 PM, having the same problem while running an Alt through Elwynn. Problem happens with every level up and quest turn in, and sometimes happens randomly while just traveling and fighting.


Need to stop blaming Party/synch…it happens without a party.


@ Svenn, Yes, this is what I am finding as well. Solo/grouped or sync’d/unsync’d doesn’t matter; it happens all the time in all the places.


Happened to me too, both in War Mode and out of it. Tried it with no addons, deleting cache and still the same thing kept happening. It’s not precisely game-breaking, but it does worry me how it makes my HDD “work” through it. D:


I’m seeing that too.

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