Ladies Lounge and Megathread

Yes! They had a rooster for while to help with hawks… not sure what happened to the ol’ boy. Probably don’t want to know! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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Dinner lol

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I am so grumpy.

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What you being grumpy for?

Sounds like someone set Elsa free from jail in Texas again.

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Day light savings time went into action during World War II in an effort to conserve energy, after the war the Government said “Eh, screw it.” and kept it.

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Ah got you. They told us it was for farmers and it’s like, “all this does is confuse animals!” D:

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Arizona is the only state that doesn’t do it, there are other countries besides the U.S that also does it.


Got you. Interesting. I just wish they would do away with it all together.


Me too! It’s so hard for me to sleep a few days after it starts back up.


Yes, Standard time please!
There are businesses who are lobbying our politicians to get it changed to Daylight Saving all the time, because it will benefit them. Meanwhile our children are waiting for the bus or walking to school in the dark.

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Sleep professionals recommend Standard Time for better health.


I believe there was a bill in congress last year to abolish it but it died in the house. They are trying again this year. We can only hope they pass it finally. You could try contacting your congress member and complain about them sitting in their hands about it.

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The bill that was and is being proposed is for giving us Daylight Saving all the time.

I live in Australia so by law she should’ve been fined. Of course you can’t get cops or anyone watching the bus stops all day, every day just for some smoking.

“Smokers just need to accept, that we SHARE this world. That includes the Air we breathe. I learned that lesson ages ago. Now I try to teach it.”
/shy smile


Smoking at bus stops differs in each state, such as NSW, you can smoke at a bus stop, just can’t smoke inside bus shelters.

I quit smoking a while ago, it was the best decission.


That’s not what I read and I’m in NSW. It says all public stops and stations, not just bus shelters.

That includes a ban on sheltered and unsheltered.

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Hmmm, odd. The police heavily enforces smoking at bus shelters in my area, but open bus stops where there isn’t any bus shelter, they don’t do anything. I wonder if it is just “living near the airport” thing then? :thinking:

But the rules do differ from state to state, where I think QLD has the strictest laws in regards to where you can and can’t smoke. Yeah, I think.

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“Good Choice.”

“I am not a heavy smoker. My MRI shocked the Nurse. She said I had the cleanest lungs she had ever seen on a smoker. And my Cancer P.E.T. Scan showed my lungs clear.”

“I also roll my own. The Tobacco is cleaner, and I can roll them as small as I like, or as big as I want, depending on how I feel. Small is the normal.”

“Also, when out and about? You can’t just pull one out and light it. You have to stop and roll it, so you really have to WANT one bad enough to stop and roll it.”