Ladies Lounge and Megathread

“Thank you. Those are COOL!!!”


Cats are welcome here.


The solutions lies with men, but too many try to avoid the problems and attack any criticisms by using terms like man hater, rather than address the very real problems.

The truth is, most people like to deal damage, because it’s the easiest thing to do with the least amount of responsibility.

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“For me, only in game. IRL, I prefer to heal.”


This thread can be a place of healing.

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(Lady Cyndi Lou sets up a huge Coffee Urn, on a table in the corner, with mugs, and a wide mix of extras, like whipped cream, sugar, honey, chocolate, and an assortment of Liqueurs, that go well with Coffee.)
“Welcome to Monday, Everyone!”


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It’s easier to destroy than to create


“For me, it’s easier to create. Simply because I enjoy it, so I find it less stressful.”


Where was this yesterday? It’s almost Tuesday here. Pouts.

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“I can’t be everywhere, all the time. Sorry.”


“Never seen it, and really have no plan to. Sorry.”
/shy smile

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I don’t know what it is about daylight savings but it makes me really mad.

I’m usually the “ce sera sera” type so I don’t understand how its awakening a mysterious beast within. :smiling_face:


I’ve never smoked but I do understand that adults should be able to make their own choices about what they do with their bodies… but even so, I always found the entire, “It’s a free country so I can smoke” thing specifically confusing, because, when you smoke, you are forcing everyone around you to breathe it in too. Shouldn’t other people have a say in what dangerous smoke they have to breathe in? :thinking:

With that said, like you, I’d never say anything because I don’t want to ruffle any feathers or embarrass anyone so I just sort of grin and bear it.

Day light savings was supposedly made for farmers.

As someone that used to help raise Animals, all it does is confuse the animals.


Really? I can’t imagine that would go over well with the dairy cows, especially.

Well for everyone’s sake, I hope they end this silliness soon!

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I hope so too and I know the chickens didn’t appreciate it XD

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One of my sisters has a small hobby farm. Her chickens are so cute. Not the life for me, though! Occassionally the coyotes nab one… I couldn’t take that after naming and getting to know them all!

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Ya that was a common problem that or a chicken hawk would get em.