Ladies Lounge and Megathread

I wish that I could get the flower crown and the glasses on at the same time.


comes in with a fake mustache

Yes, hello, I am a lady that belongs here.

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“Hullo, Ladies


That abomination needs to be removed once and for all!

Sorry, I woke up an hour late today. Party on ladies. :laughing:


Wine now gives me an instant headache. It never use to do that.


That’s unfortunate. I rarely drink it, but my wife bought a number of different kinds at Sam’s last week

AFK a sec. :wine_glass:

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Peeks in to see what’s up. Man ,that’s wild in there,dang it.

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That part isn’t true, but yes it doesn’t make sense they deleted it. Maybe honestly just try to call it Men’s lounge and megathread or something and keep it as clean as possible next time, call it out when someone in there starts making the thread about how awful any other group (political, gender, etc.) is and make it clear that’s not the purpose and don’t call it anything with “bro” not because it’s a bad word but because maybe they’re sensitive to it because of what a certain creepy lounge involved in the recent lawsuit and the general culture were called in the media. Good luck, you can chill here too though

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You, like that poster, are misdirecting your complaints. I think there is an inherent bias and don’t disagree with the gentlemen thread. But coming to this thread, a celebratory thread, with the anger over its deletion is misdirected anger. It is bringing down this thread as well. If there were two parties and one got cancelled, even if it were wrongly cancelled, I would not go to the other party to complain.

As for the LGBTQ+ mental illness thread, it was created in the middle of the night on a Sunday morning. You’re right; it should not have existed as long as it did. But it took longer to delete because of the time frame in which it was created. It was a knowledgeable troll.


The only time equal means equal is in math.


Posting here out of spite because I hate that I was born female :sunglasses:

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Sunday = no moderators.

people know they can get away with anything (until they get hit with the ban hammer when staff are back at work)

Cherry Moscato isn’t too bad. :+1:

The LGBT thread is already gone.

You’re all talking about it like it’s still up.

I love you for this.

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I can’t stand wine or beer honestly. We have these things in Australia called Vodka Cruisers and they’re what I drink if I drink at all.

I’m not a girl but hi


It was up for quite a while when it should have been nuked within the first hour.


It was created in the middle of the night on a Saturday.

That was done on purpose.

Blizzard doesn’t have a night shift for forum mods.

It was deleted as soon as someone was notified in the morning.

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