Ladies Lounge and Megathread

If you’re talking about the megathread, did it finally cap out?

It was deleted.

I have no idea what “cap out” means…

The LGBTQ megathread is over 20k posts I thought you were refering to that one.

Are you referring to the troll thread? Ya that was just horrible.

Hi! That’s ok here’s your complimentary flower that you can put on your hat or use as a corsage.

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To be fair, it was someone referencing both your concerns and the LGBTQ+ thread who mentioned it again.

At this point, I’m tired and just want to chill and have fun.

If someone wants to try to make the gentleman’s lounge again, go for it. I would be in it too cause of where I’m very manly for a lady and I’m all over the place anyway. Other thread ended up getting filled with trolls like threads do.

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You’re right. Let’s drop things and go back to happiness. :sparkles:


I was in a key earlier where I got yelled at and I wasn’t about to deal with it.

So I left. I’m trying to wind down and chill from that and it was just… a lot.

It doesn’t matter. It shouldn’t have been up for that long or allowed to have been posted at all.

Sorry, I was referring to the gross one created last night.

Let’s just move on.

How does everyone feel about the season change? It got a little warmer but now it’s getting cold again.

You mean the one you replied in and had a post flagged?

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I’m in Australia like I said. It’s getting cooler here I think.

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lol you’re demanding it should have been deleted immediately, when there was no one around to delete it.

You’re being silly.

Ah got you. Now with it getting colder and I know you all have the big spiders, do they move into the houses where it gets warmer?

Yep and my entire family minus my grandparents have a phobia of them so it’s not fun. :frowning:

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Yes, that one.

What post of mine was flagged?

Blizzard never tells you which one, only that one was flagged.

I don’t remember but tbh, surprised you can still post.

Hello beautiful ladies :relaxed: Thank you for creating this thread


lol bless your heart

Wait…do you think I made that post?

lol I posted in it to say it was gross.

I didn’t post that junk.

Bless your heart too.

wave Hi Fay how are ya today?

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