Ladies Lounge and Megathread

I wish I could dual wield those wine glasses.

If you have two guilds, let’s say they are very old very popular, and combined you have over 1000 guild members. When 10.1 is live you will want to merge your guilds. Also you will have a big problem if the limit isn’t increased to AT LEAST 2000.

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I agree with that. It will need increasing.

That’s pretty weak. I think it’s pretty clear that double standards have been highlighted by the persistent deletion of certain threads. People are free to call out, ignore, or support that fact all they want, but I think it’s kind of obvious that they exist now.

Anywho ladies hope you’re all having a great Sunday! Just passing through to say you all have pretty hair.


Awww, thank you invisible Nightborne with fabulous hair

To be fair, does anyone good ever go into politics? Or stay that way if they do? The age old addage: “Two things to never trust: a lawyer and a politician.”


Incoming “Why can’t we have our own thread where we bash women, LGBTQ and POC?!!”

Hey, Rightzis, when your message and identity is no longer based on bashing and belittling others, we’ll gladly hear it.

I prefer dps, raiding and pet battles, mogs and pvp.


Today, I’m identifying as a woman, so I can be included in this marvelous thread.

Hey girl! Sloshes her wine glass, spills a little bit, almost trips


Hello ladies, I’m a 6’4 warrior representing Stormwind. Feel free to meet at the Goldshire Inn for a good time :slight_smile:


confused panda Herne noises


Yes. We ladies love hanging out together! :heart:

Edit: On a serious note, it sucks that we can’t celebrate women during women’s history month in here in a thread celebrating women without someone coming in here and claiming unfairness. It sucks that the forums isn’t allowed to celebrate certain people. It’s the “everyone gets a trophy” generation I guess.

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Drunkenly slurring

“Get outta here, MAN!”

Blows whistle

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Real women do not spill their wine. We drink every drop.

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/swings into lounge like a super-hero

Hello ladies!

/wink wink

/throws large pile of Yrel’s Dark Secret discount coupons into the air

Feel free to use these and get yourselves something fancy!


Alas! Duty calls! I hear an orc steamroller starting, I must return to the Waggle Lounge! Awaaayyy!!!

/swings away in an absurdly melodramatic fashion


For me, it’s DPS, PVP and transmog farm. I used to raid back in the day but can’t find the time for it now. I’ve barely even PVPed this season :frowning:

i’ve never been able to approach wine without wanting to puke.
even just the smell


I actually do not like wine either. I rather have a beer or a soft drink.


I think you are missing context for that comment. The OP of this thread made two threads, the first being a “Gentleman” thread or whatever, this thread was the second of the two. Nothing happened in the male thread, similar to this one, yet it was deleted for what appears to be for no reason other than it was a male related thread. It has nothing to do with “everyone get’s a trophy,” its the fact the male thread, that had even less activity than this one, was just deleted out of thin air.

Yeah, sure does.

Edit: Oh, and to add insult to injury, the male thread was deleted within maybe an hour but the thread saying LBGT is a mental illness has been around for, as of this post, close to 12 hours.


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