Ladies Lounge and Megathread

Welcome to the ladies lounge.


nice transmog!


I want that red wine glass!


Where did you get it?


Like the fact that Battle Pet Tamers: Northrend is still broken and Blizzard refuses to fix it after 3 years and I got horrible responses from the GM I contacted. Ended up giving up. :frowning:

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Who, me? It’s not showing who you replied to.

Men that are chill get thier flower for thier hat or to wear as a corsage.

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I’ll have to post pics of my own kitties soon. Remind me as I can’t be bothered right now and they’re on my phone.

yeah you :stuck_out_tongue:

it comes from the wine vendor in Dal or stormwind

she has a white wine too, but the red looks way better


A fellow Australian! Hi!


Pretty much anything but right now I’m more of a healing collector.


woo i’m an aussie too.
in melbourne



Yay! Sorry just catching up on the whole thread while I reply.

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And thank you for the compliment! I have a few different mogs. This is my “everyday wear” sort of thing.

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i put my mage in a quite casual outfit last night.
i wasn’t really happy with it at the time, but it’s growing on me.
hopefully i get some new gear next week and it’ll motivate me to find a new look

i like a lot of the original classic pieces, i don’t care about the “low poly count” :stuck_out_tongue:
the style is much nicer than the newer artwork which is just too busy
i like the solid colours and varied cuts… all the newer armor seems to be one design with different patterns.


I’ve been doing Classic through to DF pretty slowly as it’s how I enjoy playing the game. Got all the appearances I can find through questing and dungeoning (minus a dagger in Maraudon) on my Druid in classic. Now just have some world drops but those can wait until later. I’m pretty methodical in how I play, it’s probably a neurodivergent trait (I’m ADHD and suspected autistic).


I get lost in Mara… it’s the only classic dungeon which i still need lots of items from :expressionless:

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Yeah it’s a horrible dungeon to have to navigate through and you can’t reset it through conventional means. Thinking of setting my hearthstone to a close inn in Desolace and then spamming it out soon. Right now I’ve been doing TW and pet battles.

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Couldn’t relate to something more.

It’s interesting - because I didn’t notice my adhd and hyperfixation really until I got older.

I’m sure I had it as a kid as well, but I think when I was younger it could’ve just been chalked up to something else.

“I thought everyone looks out the window and sees a bird and thinks about birds for 15 minutes in class”

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I can’t even get into how many different traits I realised were ADHD (and what I think is autism) until the past year basically and I was diagnosed in late 2021. My Mum was also diagnosed then and she’s just turned 40 this past December. I always thought I was crazy and I’m only 20. I went through my entire teenage years having a horrible time with depression, anxiety and unresolved trauma too among so many other issues (I even got sent death threats and was harassed in WoW and Discord back in 2018, so this is actually not my original account). I’m doing 10000% now and slowly getting myself back on my feet after so long.


Sydney here.