Ladies Lounge and Megathread

I just know how to shake it


No. This one:

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Yes! This is what we do here in the Ladies Lounge. We love music!

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peeks in, unsure if I should stay

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It’s a problem for all men though, as the terrible behavior of some inevitably ends up with all being treated with suspicion.

A woman in London was recently abducted, assaulted, violated, murdered and her body burnt so badly that dental records were needed to identify her. The person eventually found responsible for this was a policeman, who used his role to snare his victim. If you can’t trust a policeman, what man can you trust?

You said earlier that it was now the 21st century, as though a big equality switch was thrown at centuries end and all wrongs were righted, which is laughable. “Where’s mah equalitah?” you rage. You’ll have it when women aren’t the ones forcibly violated, when the perpetrators of female murders aren’t predominantly men, usually a former partner, and when domestic violence victims aren’t almost always women.

While women have to endure all those travesties, and men in general inflict them, there will be no equality.


is it though?

is it really?

when on a daily basis, women are met with “girls don’t play WoW” memes?
when everyone is assumed to be male?
when if someone dares to make a correction, and mention they’re female, comments go straight to things like “no you can’t have all my loot” or “ok attention seeker”.

many males in the gaming community need to take their machismo down a notch or seventy.

The only male thread I saw, was titled something like “Mens Lounge”… and where I come from, a “Mens Lounge” is a place where the entertainment is women in nothing but heels and a necklace.


You mean Body type 2 thread right? Because being a female FOR SOME CRAZY REASON BLIZZARD WILL NOT EXPLAIN seems like something you need to be ashamed of. And that’s pretty crappy and I say shame on blizzard for that.

I get it.

You hate men. All men.

Enjoy your sexism. Apparently it’s acceptable in 2023.

Please stop replying to me with this crap.

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You certainly don’t get it, what you say is absolute proof of that.

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Just ignore him. He is trying to get the thread locked. Lets just continue having our chill zone.

I was done, and both these people replied to me with more hatred.

I replied and asked them to stop.

It’s over.

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Just mute the thread!

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Which is why having positive spaces for men should be something to strive for. We need spaces that promote good virtues and positive figures that don’t promote hate. There’s too much problem identification, but not enough solutions.


kitty is already curled up in his igloo, he doesn’t want to play tonight.

i think he’s feeling a bit off again today… ripped a few chunks of fur out.
he always seems to do this when there’s a public holiday.
vet won’t be open until tuesday
