Ladies Lounge and Megathread

Go for it. But if you let the thread get into a bad shape, then yes, it will be deleted. You be positive and have positive vibes within the thread and have fun, then it won’t get deleted.

They are playing favorites, like they always do.

They prove that by deleting the Dude/Bro thread, and leaving this one up.

Like I said, either leave them both up, or delete them both.

I have nothing against any woman in this thread, but it’s continued existence is offensive.


You can go make any thread you want.

The subject does not matter.

What we (the people) do NOT want is fighting. If the topic is just a relaxing place for chatting, maybe don’t kill the vibe with seriousness.

Please do go start your own topic rather than derail ours. This topic is for the ladies and for relaxing calm personalities to share their good vibes with the community.

Be friendly or be gone.

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For clarity’s sake lets look at the date. This thread we are currently posting in is one made on International Women’s Day. Holiday threads aren’t uncommon, make one on nov 19 and I’ll gladly support your cause :wine_glass:


The continued deletion of the other thread is offensive. It’s more beneficial for everyone to take the productive route rather than the destructive one. We can want to strip others of things to achieve equal treatment or we can want to get those things ourselves to achieve equal treatment. The latter takes more time, but nobody has to lose.

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Because the same op made a gentlemen’s thread first and followed it up with creating this one :eyes:

…a result of them arguing bickering and making it too confrontational. Nobody wants to feel like that. We are making these lounges to relax. Let the serious topics have the serious debates in them.


Anyways, time to get the positivity and fun back within the thread.


Equal treatment isn’t saying “sucks that you can’t have a guy thread, but don’t ask for the women’s one getting deleted!”

Equal treatment isn’t happening here. At all.

Whatever. I made my point.

I’m done arguing it over and over.

Have a good night.

Oh please. You know why it got deleted.

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That’s right. I came here searching for it tonight. It’s gone. I called it Gentlemen Lounge and Megathread and I told everybody to behave.

I also added… if you want to act like a barbarian go play Diablo Immortal.

Sadly, people just can’t help themselves and it just turns into an argument.

It was my thread! If anybody should be upset it should be me! So, relax. Everything will be okay.

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Some people just do these sort of things to purposely get a topic removed or locked. I just want to have a chilling place to relax and have fun, not a debate over who wants to be the next Queen of England.


You did and it’s still one of the best reads I’ve seen on this forum




This kind of dance?


“No. I actually know HOW to dance.”